They will just say that the dictionary is a secular work devised by Satan to mislead the true followers of blah blah blah. Their next slogan will be "Education is a snare and a racket!"
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
Merian-Webster - New Covenant Defination
by Riley innoun.
: a promise of redemption by god to people as individuals rather than as a nation and on the basis of god's grace rather than a person's adherence to the law.. i guess the dictionary is written by apostates.
If you live in Canada, they are taking away your Guns, to send to Ukraine.
by liam inhistory is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens , only to be brutally betrayed.
what follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens.
1911: turkey; citizens disarmed – 1.5 million armenians were slaughtered.
How exactly would it work, sending confiscated firearms to Ukraine? Wouldn't that be much more time and effort than just sending them the money to purchase firearms? And that way, they'd get the guns they want, instead of a massive pile of dingy old .22 calber handguns and a bag of .38 specials.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
It's not unusual for channels to get only a small percentage of video views as their subscriber base grows. The discrepancy is notable for Evans because it's quite large, even if we allow for the likelihood that the subscriber number is inflated by purchasing them in blocks. Then again, we know why his views are so low: there is better content out there, and many people were turned off by his confession and tone-def announcements (like the way he seems to alternate between griping about not having money and going on yet another vacation).
He is incapable of seeing things from another person's point-of-view, which is a real problem when you depend on an audience for your success.
I've done it: Christmas Lights Outside
by StephaneLaliberte inlets see if that causes a problem.
i've been inactive for a very long time now (like 10+ years), so, i don't expect to hear anything from it, but my parents are worried i'll get df.
lets see what happens.
I'm not sure I see the problem with following the world, in this context. Paul may present it as a dichotomy, as an all-or-nothing choice, but it doesn't have to be that. Not being bound to a religion, I can pick and choose what I want to do or not do. Each of those decisions could be described as 'following' something. We're social animals, after all; belonging to a group is built into us.
I chose not to follow an organization that is too controlling and has policies that I find unsafe and unhealthy. If that means I am following the world, then following the world doesn't seem like such a bad option.
Would You Get A Cease and Desist Letter From the WT if You...
by NotFormer in...put a christmas wreath that featured the logo on your door?
I'm not sure there's anything they can do, if you are doing that on your personal property. If it got enough media attention, they might make a public statement clarifying their view on Christmas (which might be the most worthwhile thing to come from such an action). But I don't see how it would be a copyright issue. And defamation would be a very steep hill for the organization to climb, at least in the USA.
Suing the Borg
by JohnR1975 inwhat would be the best way to start suing the borg?.
what kind of evidence would you need for this elf is still physically in?.
here is someone suing them
What is the basis of the lawsuit? An individual filing a civil suit would need to demonstrate that there was harm done, and --at least in the USA-- courts are wary of protecting religious freedom. A case that seems open-and-shut can run into a wall very quickly, here.
Who Directs the Activitie$ and Doctrines of the Hovering Body?
by Sea Breeze injehovah’s witnesses boast that theirs is a “spirit-directed organization”.. see w88 3/1 pp.
10-17 (my life in jehovah’s spirit-directed organization).
they believe that their deceased founder, charles taze russell (who faced legal action by his wife for inappropriate behavior in his maids bedroom), is directing the modern-day work of jehovah’s witnesses.. after the founder, c t russell died, it was stated that he was still directing the work from heaven.. "though pastor russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature of the harvest work.
Talk about a gradual progression! They went from saying that Russell was definitively guiding things from heaven, to suggesting that some body of heavenly elders was doing the job, to not being inspired at all.
I thought the path of the righteous was like the light of the dawn, growing stronger in understanding over time? The WTS appears to be going backwards.
JULY 15TH STUDY EDITION :"If ever that evil slave..." page 24
by raymond frantz inbox on page 24 of the july 15th titled :"if ever the evil slave....".
jesus has placed the weightiest of responsibilities on the faithful and discreet slave-namely,overseeing the domestics and giving out spiritual food atthe proper time.
jesus knew that those with greater responsibility have greater accountability.
The WTS explanation is (was?) that the master arrived in 1919 and named the leadership of the WTS as the F&DS.
This was the group of men responsible for providing spiritual food in the critical last days.
...and almost nothing that they taught over the next 10-30 years is condsidered "truth" by JWs today.
P Diddy list of names
by liam inno wonder the left was furious when elon musk bought twitter.. someone leaked some of the names of the epstein files before they went public.
the complete list is still pending.
doesn't matter if it's the governing body, celebrities, politicians, theoretical physicist, cosmologist, the royal family, and more, are just ordinary humans who lust for sexual ..............!!!!!.
What does the "P Diddy list" contain? Names of people who were at his parties? Are the lists specific? Which is to say, are they useful aside from driving gossip?
It appears that Combs is going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Even if he doesn't, he's facing so many lawsuits that the attorney fees alone will probably bankrupt him. With nothing to lose, will he name names? Either for leniency or out of spite? Will he "hang himself" while closely guarded?
Unchangeable wisdom from the "slave" of yesteryear! 😀
by BoogerMan inbrethern, and cistern, today's lesson from the golden calf is one of profound importance - never to be forgotten!.
w56 6/15 p. 360 - "we usually believe what we want to believe, and one thing we like to believe is that we do our own thinking.
they plant the thought and nourish it, but do it so subtly that we think it is our own.
Vidiot: Any lawyer cross-examining a GB member these days would fucking eviscerate them.
One need only look back to the Australian Royal Commission when they questioned Geoffrey Jackson.