DerekMoors: So something is definitely off with [Dijanna].
If Evans has been mentally/emotionally abusive towards her, then she will not step forward until she feels safe. And in an online environment, that is easier said than done. If she's a private person, she may well never address any of these issues with the general public. Which is her right.
I get the impression that she has done as much as she feels safe doing, such as sharing photos and letters (which have had a considerable impact on Evans's attempts to sanitize his reputation). But I am sure even that turned out to be painful, and I'm sure he hasn't let her hear the end of it. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, because Evans comes off as a very controlling person, and he strikes me as the type who would use everything he could -including intimidation- to continue to push her around.
At some point, she may feel safe enough to spill the beans, and I hope she is willing to. At the very least, it will keep some pressure on him. And if he has been abusive, then he deserves every bit of stress and anxiety that she can put on him.