I agree that atheism is counterintuitive. Think about how long it took humanity to develop a structure for things like logic and reasoning that could work for more than just simple and immediate problem-solving. Even now, we are still mostly emotional beings. This is why I do not expect religion or spirituality to go away anytime soon (especially the latter).
Indeed, it is so hard-wired into our nature that atheism is treated by many as a religion, and not just by religious people as a way to create an equivalence. Many within the atheist community work hard to politicize it, which is just another form of tribalism. The fact that there is an atheist community is a humorous reminder of how trapped we are in that kind of behavior.
I doubt I'll live long enough to see whatever the next phase of religion will look like. My fear is that it will become less about spirituality and mysticism and more about political power and domination. We might actually long for the good old days, when religion was only mostly misused by power-hungry opportunists. But that seems to be one of the curses of humanity, that we embody the old saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.