JWs emphasize the headship of the husband over the family. When your organization is based on the authority given to men by god himself, it's easy to see how that can be abused. A wife who seeks help when her husband is being domineering and selfish has to deal with men who are hesitant to undermine that authority (especially when they also benefit from it). She is often told to grin and bear it, since the New System is around the corner and all of these flaws will fade away and soon her husband will be the very model of a perfect man.
JoinedPosts by TonusOH
unbaptized boy having priority over women
by enoughisenough ini was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters.
; and i thought the jw were raising a bunch of misogynist.
would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women.
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
Halcon: But would you still eat of the tree of life if it meant to keep living?
I would have to, wouldn't I?
Who told the first lie?
by nicolaou inthis is a continuation of the discussion which sprang from an unrelated topic.. so according to genesis, who told the first lie?
god told eve that if she ate from the tree of knowledge she would die that very same day.
in response to that statement the devil told her she would not die.. eve ate from the tree and did not die.
I'm more fascinated by the concept of the Tree of Life. The story implies that Adam and Eve were not immortal- they had a finite lifespan. They had to have access to the Tree of Life if they wanted to continue to live. Yahweh is not above the most petty mechanisms of control.
The story does not read well if it is taken literally, as JWs do. A literal reading makes Yahweh something of an extortionist, dangling the Tree of Life in one hand and the Tree of Knowledge in the other. Take from one, lest ye run out of life. Take not from the other, or I shall deny thee access to the first one. Then he looks away as a snake tempts the hopelessly unprepared Eve into breaking god's rules. And finally, he curses humankind and even the planet itself, as punishment.
The story portrays him as a petty thug. A mean and unscrupulous person. A jerk. He creates a world, populates it with a pair of sentient beings, then places traps all around them. Their failure is inevitable, and he knows this. It's part of his plan to... build himself up as a savior????
Nothing about it reflects the actions of a considerate, kind, or caring person. Which makes the attempts at explanation even worse. I cannot accept that a loving being would do any of this. It is incoherent. It makes no sense. An impersonal and uncaring god might spawn a universe and leave it to its devices, leading to a world where suffering happens constantly and happiness is fleeting. That god is more likely to be real than Yahweh.
JW Ranking System
by NotFormer init's fairly evident to little old outsider me that the organisation has a class system, perhaps even a caste system.. from what i've read, there seems to not only be an official ranking system (m.s., elder, c.o.
) but an unofficial one.
has anyone ever sat down to figure out what the unofficial ranks are and how they affect the pecking order?
That would vary from congregation to congregation. For the most part, the more dedicated you were, the more that people would look up to you. Any sort of privilege or service was seen as praiseworthy. But how they stacked up against one another was probably not consistent from one place to another.
In the congregations that I attended, Bethelites were usually very well regarded. The understanding was that they had to be worthy enough to serve and it was seen as a bit of a sacrifice for the younger members (unless they were locals). It was like being allowed to serve in the temple; everyone else was going to regard you with a sense of wonder.
But they were usually not local, and thus not as well known, so it was easier to focus on the service and not the person. Pioneers, ministerial servants, elders, and so on... they were locals and how much they were liked (or disliked) depended on how much of an impression they had made. COs and DOs were more like Bethelites, in that we only knew them superficially, so they were held in higher esteem.
Have Witnesses made more false prophecies then any other religion??
by Witness 007 inarmagedon in 1914 rutherford 1925 1940's the fascist catholic take over franz 1975 and 2000 the 1914 generation will not die.
now the generation that new the generation....this must break a world record of false prophecies in any religion..
Camping is a high-profile example, but even he was only wrong three times.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Hey, after two years of almost-constant entertainment, it looks like he's run out of steam. I'm sure he'll find some way to embarrass himself (and his remaining supporters) again. Don't underestimate his ability to dig himself into an ever deeper hole. -
JW s were here today with convention invite
by enoughisenough ini thought i would tell this story: 2 gals and a guy came by with invitation to convention.
i am in the yard.
the gals get out and are wearing pants.
enoughisenough: some of the questions I ask them, they ask me back
We were taught to always have control of the conversation. It had to be a one-way thing. It's okay for them to preach to you, but they really fear that someone will preach back to them. I will give them this much, they seemed earnest enough to stick around until the brother came along to save them (lol). He sounds like he was more aware of the approach-- if things aren't going according to script, get out of there ASAP.
I am also hopeful that there was enough of a seed planted that they won't be able to resist looking up more info. Or even to ask an uncomfortable question or two. I think some JWs wake up when they ask a reasonable question and are shot down with implied threats of sanctions or removal.
"What is that?"
I believe it's called a 'happy ending.'
JW s were here today with convention invite
by enoughisenough ini thought i would tell this story: 2 gals and a guy came by with invitation to convention.
i am in the yard.
the gals get out and are wearing pants.
I wonder if they were annoyed that you set them up with leading questions, or if they recognized that this is their own approach to preaching. That always felt a bit like selling snake oil. Maybe they felt a bit uncomfortable at the next stop. Probably not, but maybe...
Deep study
by road to nowhere inwifes friend had to go home to deep study the sunday article.
does that mean not skimming headings?
the last deep thing i remember was babylon book and it was a perfect fit except none of it came true.
For JWs, there is onlly one type of study, which involves reading and accepting the content from the WTS. What would "deep study" entail? Reading it twice? Reading it slowly?