I don't remember the specific copy of The Watchtower where I read it, but I do recall there was an article about relying on the GB for knowledge and interpretation of scripture. They offered an example of a couple who had a different view about a particular issue, and were counseled to trust the GB's interpretation. Instead, they spoke to others about their view of it, and were disfellowshipped as a result. Later -the article tells us- the GB came around to the same point-of-view as this couple. The article made it clear that they were not reinstated, because their 'crime' was not being wrong-- it was that they went against the GB and tried to undermine their authority.
To me, that is an example of the GB threatening the rank-and-file with expulsion if they challenged any of the organization's views and interpretations. I remember reading it because it was one of those things that bothered me on some level. It meant that, for the GB, being correct was secondary. Being obeyed was primary.