'We don't want to break the terms we agreed to. Also, we're being repressed.'
Sooo... you agreed to be repressed, is what you're saying?
today's news included a small story about a libertarian post on x that endorsed the murder of vice president harris.
when there was outrage:.
demands for investigation after nh libertarian party shares threatening harris (msn.com).
'We don't want to break the terms we agreed to. Also, we're being repressed.'
Sooo... you agreed to be repressed, is what you're saying?
1:10 pm on 16 september 2024 .
anusha bradley, investigative reporter.
The important thing is that the information is available, so that anyone who wants to know (or know more) can look it up and read it themselves. This is why organizations like the WTS fight so hard to be removed or excluded from the record. Later, when they claim that they are protecting children and that they deal harshly with predators, people can find information that demonstrates that they are lying.
Now, if they want to deny that they have a problem, they have to explain why there is a growing list of documentation showing that they are a part of the problem. And that the way they have dealt with CSA is shameful. This already has led to changes in their approach, where they are more open to advising victims to contact the authorities instead of warning them to 'keep it in house.' This is what needs to happen. They have to make it very clear that victims should contact the authorities ASAP, instead of relying on a group of unqualified elders to handle the situation.
But this also makes it clear that they are more concerned about their reputation than they are about protecting children. That has to change as well.
on february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
As old as he is, he won't have to hide for long.
the truth is most active jws would probably agree that most of the teachings are not right, the new thing is that we just don’t know.. the governing body now say they get things wrong and make mistakes as they are not inspired and not infallible.
yet they are still to be trusted no matter what?.
they are not trusted.
KerryKing: Trust in the GB is selective
Good. That's the first step in freeing themselves from the WTS. Once you decide that they cannot always be trusted, you have also determined that they are not led by God or the holy spirit. It's a short leap from there to understand that their lack of divine guidance is a really big issue, since their authority is derived from that.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
JohnR1975: he has no job but makes a short YouTube video every few weeks that seems to be enough for stupid people to keep sending him money.
I figure the support will continue to bleed away over time. But I am almost impressed at how some people will continue to send him money. There are no excuses left.
i can't find a answer to this- what type of transfusions are not accepted-.
prbc( packed red blood cells).
ffp- fresh frozen plasma.
Hi lovecrissy,
I think JW Facts has a good guide on the WTS policy towards blood transfusions.
uh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
How is that possible? You're both in your 30s!
Happy anniversary!
perhaps we could post the pictures the wt have presented in their literature that depict their version of paradise here for comment/discussion:.
from: spirits of the dead—can they help you or harm you?
do they really exist?.
Not only that. When humanity got together and began to build the tower of Babel, Jehovah expressed concern at their ambition and potential. Fearing that nothing might be out of their reach, he confused their languages and scattered them. Thus, humanity was doomed to centuries of conflict, just as they were showing what they could do when they were united.
That we have progressed as far as we have under such a devastating handicap is a testament to how awesome we are.
to all bodies of elders "handling cases of drug abuse".
september 1, 2018. to all bodies of elders re: handling cases of drug abusedear brothers: as noted below, the procedure for handling the misuse of marijuana and the abuse of medi- cal, illicit, or addictive drugs has been adjusted to harmonize with the procedure for handling the misuse of tobacco.
The irony is that the one thing that might get the GB to relax... is some pot.
this is a question that has preoccupied the minds of the governing body " when will the last anointed be taken up to heaven?
" when did this nonsense begin ?
It's weird that they would worry about details like this. Basically, the GB are in the back seat, asking Jehovah "are we THERE yet?????"