Journeyman: The continued arrogance of specifying a number he expected to join.
This is only part of the issue. It is a weird approach, to state your exact goal instead of growing the numbers organically. After all, what happens if you surpass your goal? Do you reset it? Do you stop asking for support?
The other part is that he isn't doing anything to grow his support. His output appears to be low and uninspired, which is what we predicted would happen as the people who did the bulk of the work left. He has nothing to pivot to, in part due to his lack of ambition and in part because his past is still haunting him. (I would encourage him to keep trying to become an influencer, and ignore the people who point out that he looks like a goddamned clown.)
I expected him to be under 300 by now, but it seems he will hang on a bit longer before he hits that next negative milestone. Ironically, the lack of interest from his critics might hurt him the most-- he won't be able to use 'persecution' as a selling point. Does he ever mention the lawsuit anymore? No? I wonder why...