Drinking helps when your a flow blown JW. Makes the "truth" more understandable after a few drinks.
JoinedPosts by Overrated
Do not fellowship with greedy drunkards
by road to nowhere inpounding the disfellowship crap this week.
that nnea3n we should avoid the drunk on the gb and ignore the pleas for money?.
Predictions of The Org in one year.
by Overrated ini predict that in a year kingdumb halls will be replaced by zoom.
they will still have assembly halls but will charge a heavy entry fee.
baptisms will continue to be so low that would not be worth counting.
I predict that in a year Kingdumb halls will be replaced by zoom. They will still have assembly halls but will charge a heavy entry fee. Baptisms will continue to be so low that would not be worth counting. The preaching work will slow more and continue to be a joke. The GB will demand more donations and time to the Org. They will loose worldwide their charity status. The Org will become even more ridiculous. Membership will drop less to million or even less.
Shepherding visit
by donnye ini cannot seem to find any information on which elder/s are assigned to do a shepherding visit on a congregation member.
does one of them have to be the member's field group leader?
can any elders do a shepherding visit at a member's request?
Personal issues is always a good excuse to keep nosey elders at bay. And tell them nothing.
Funeral talk
by dothemath ini was recently present at a witness funeral (by zoom) and the brother did do a nice talk about this sister who passed away.
her and her husband had pioneered for many years, but she succumbed to cancer.. in his closing remarks, of course he talked about the resurrection, and remarked how the husband (still alive) would soon be back together with his wife.. certainly fine thoughts, but imagine if this guy ended up getting remarried?
isn’t that putting a lot of pressure on someone, when it isn’t even mentioned in the bible at all?.
My father's funeral was about 5 minutes about his life(he was nobody) the rest of the service was a recruitment talk about the Org. What a disappointment. I wouldn't of gone if it was not my dad.
Tony Morris brand, which he buys with Gee-hovah Bucks.
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
I wonder how many donation dollars it cost to build this Kingdumb Hall? You think they would give a credit in Gee-hovah Bucks sense they found sand for free.
Announcement December 3, 2020 FOR CONGREGATIONS
by pixel inannouncement.
december 3, 2020. for congregations.
1. covid-19 vaccine information: several covid-19 vaccines may soon be approved and.
It's amazing that a bunch of window washers and janitors have the inside track on things. Like all their useful advice!?!
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
Gee-hovah is the most incompetent, unreliable thing you can trust in. It is right up there with Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy. You get the same results if you pray to a gallon of milk.
Jehovah delivers sand for a Kingdom Hall project in Micronesia
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou cannot make this up: financial help and the hand of jehovah complete project.
january 2016 jw broadcasting..... video starts at 35:30. a local design construction department manager named travis brooks tells a story about a building project on the island of yap, micronesia.
a small kingdom hall needs to be expanded because the facility wasn't big enough for those in attendance.
Gee-hovah this and Gee-hovah that. In reality Gee-hovah doesn't do shit.
We Knew Many JWs That Weren’t Right....what about xjws??
by minimus indo you think that when people leave the religion that they are basically now, “normal”?
or do you think it’s more a work in progress?.
Being a JW is just not normal. Too many restrictions. No personal growth. It's all about the Org. Once you get out you realize all the things you missed out on. Education, careers, opportunities. All for empty promises.