Someone should make a parody. You know watchtower would crap their pants.
I was wanted to make a modern parody/ modern spin on their film Heritage. Just call it something else. Maybe a project when I finally retire.
i'm actually looking forward to their warped view of matthew, mark, luke and john for this.
the drama from 2015 wasn't that bad.
however.... yeah steven lett mentions othe films about jesu are plagued with false religion.
Someone should make a parody. You know watchtower would crap their pants.
I was wanted to make a modern parody/ modern spin on their film Heritage. Just call it something else. Maybe a project when I finally retire.
even some democrats are advocating for reopening society, and are at least hoping for some point in 2021, but the governing body just announced that they're canceling the assemblies in 2022 as well, aiming to restart in 2023. .
they're really milking this 'pandemic', because as soon as things go back to normal that sense of urgency will start to die again, and publisher counts / meeting attendance will go down as well.
i wonder how many jws are suffering form (additional) depression from this as well, because with meetings, assemblies and conventions at least you could see and meet new people, as well as socialize.
They will have pay as you go online. "Show how Spiritual you are by buying Gee-hober Bucks !" Something like that would not surprise me.
inspired by a previous post i wrote and thought it deserved a place of its own .. i hope it helps people on their journey out of the wt/jw religion .. their is no going back after discovering the "truth" about the wt/jw religion.. its the path of freedom from enslavement to a man made religious organization that was born in america, a nation that has spawned numerous charlatan religious organizations, especially in the 1700`s to 1900`s .and even beyond..
Like a House of Cards. Once you pull a card it will start to collapse.
so me and my pimi wife are driving today and normally we don't talk anything about her stupid cult.
because it will end up with me saying something and her getting p.o'ed.
well anyways i have been trying to just ignore the bs and keep my mouth shut.
My BS meter went off after reading the post. Anything JW's or Watchtower puts out gets an automatic BS rating. I can't help it. The stuff they tell is just too good to be true. Or makes you think WTF.
life and ministry meeting workbook | september 2020. living as christians.
can you contribute your time and energy?.
ramapo, new york.
Longhairgal- Putting washers and fake money in, I have been doing that for years until I finally faded out. But when I visit a Kingdumb Hall. They get a surprise from the washer bandit.
life and ministry meeting workbook | september 2020. living as christians.
can you contribute your time and energy?.
ramapo, new york.
I was at a Kingdumb Hall remodel and everyone there was just socializing. Waiting for pizza to show up. Insulation needed to be installed on a wall and it was beneath them to do insulation. I came off work to help by my then Jw boss.(I was in the tooth at the time). Screw that noise! I packed up my stuff and left. Never again worked on any Kingdumb hall projects. But fill metal washers and fake money in the contribution boxes.
this concept was leaked here not too long ago, and it was just announced at the next section of the 'annual meeting' on jw broadcasting.
they allude to it being a half hour series and say that it will cover literally every detail in all four gospels in chronological order through the course of all episodes.
they also insinuate that it's the most ambitious project yet (i guess making use of that new media production facility).
They had Black Beard in one publication. It would not surprise me what or who else they will have? Maybe the Marx Brothers?
i feel bad i just faded away and did not "come out" as an apostate hater.
my mum died refusing blood and still i hang back my wife still has witness friends and goes to the memorial every year..
I would say I'm under-cover. If I can create enough mayhem and chaos as possible in secret to wake up as any people as possible without getting caught.
life and ministry meeting workbook | september 2020. living as christians.
can you contribute your time and energy?.
ramapo, new york.
It is too bad they don't have us going to the Kingdumb hall. So I can donate a handful of metal washers to their world wide real estate work . Been doing this all my Jw life force to go to meetings to listen to same old crap. .They. want money. Have some buttons, have some fake money have some metal washers. What did they expect on frowning on me getting a good education so a can get a good paying job.. They get what they put out.
good news from god!.
lesson 6. .
what hope is there for the dead?.
In the next publication they will have Richard Ramirez The Night Stalker. Stay tuned!