LOL Six:
Yep that Steve Martin is one "wild and crazy guy".
Seriously tho, I will not wear shoes if they are not comfortable unless there is a very good reason to wear them, and then only for short periods.
another fluff topic that has no useful purpose whatsoever.
i have a big foot.
my shoe size is 12 wide.
LOL Six:
Yep that Steve Martin is one "wild and crazy guy".
Seriously tho, I will not wear shoes if they are not comfortable unless there is a very good reason to wear them, and then only for short periods.
do you really feel that you are a nice person or an unlikeable one?
when you were in a congregation, did you tend to get along with people?
were you contentious?
I don't know about nice, but I was called sweet in chat this morning.
Cheryl (of the ain't she a sweeheart class)
while sitting on a mountain lake in the summer in the oregon mountains, i took the moment to see what a beautiful place it was.
it had pine trees growing right to the shore, and sat at the base of mount pitt, which is a striking mountain on it's own with a majestic peak and steep angled descent on both sides.
the mountain wind blew by and set this peaceful lake into a rippled affect that looked like a natural show of energy moving from one side of the lake to the other.
Your posts are always so well thought out and thoughprovoking. I enjoy them very much.
Thanks for sharing them with us.
i've noticed that the friends forum on this board gets about twenty-five times the number of posts as forums such as bible research and beliefs, doctrines & practices.
do you think that says something about most of the posters here?
if so, what?
What follows is one persons humble opinion.
I think it means we want to play and have fun which is very healing after all the work, work, work of the Borg. Som of us had years of bible study (read Watchtower study) and research, and need time to regroup. On this board we are able to explore topics that were forbidden as part of the collective (Thanks Simon). There is more to life than religion and religious topics.
When I left the JW, all I could find in the way of support were those who wanted to show me the "right way to come to Christ". No thanks, if I find my way back, it will be on my own and only if it is meant to be.
I personally can't wrap my mind around the research and discussions there. Had trouble with it while I was a JW too. All it boils down to is personal opinions.
The bible was written by men to their contemporaries and it was not written as a letter to me. There is historical value to be had. The psalms can give inspiration in the same way music gives inspiration today. I find it exceedingly difficult to open a bible these days. I have so much JW garbage floating around in my brain.
Edited by - songmistress on 3 November 2002 14:49:6
another fluff topic that has no useful purpose whatsoever.
i have a big foot.
my shoe size is 12 wide.
Wow Dutchie, very dainty tootsies there.
I wear a size 9 and comfort in shoes is very important. And like Dede, I prefer not to wear shoes if I can get away with it.
LOL to everyone (including me) who went into the gutter at Lew's comment.
Cheryl (of the barefoot and lovin' it class)
Edited by - songmistress on 3 November 2002 14:30:58
when talking to someone who never was a jw, and they say to you how could you ever fall for all that?
it does bother me, cause i think it is some what condescending?
how do you feel about these questions?
I don't find the question condescending. I think it is fueled by disbelief that someone would actually choose such an existence. I actually enjoy seeing the shocked look on people faces when I tell them I was a JW. And many times I will be welcomed back to the "real world".
I heard someone, it may have been Dr. Joyce Brothers or Dr. Joy Browne, or someone else like that, (hey what can I say, in my fight with depression, my memory has suffered terribly, or I am having a senior moment lol) say that by and large, those who get caught by cultish organizations are intelligent people. So I figure it shows I am intelligent, although why in my intelligence would I have acted so foolishly, I have yet to figure out.
I was 18 years old married, and had one child when I got involved. I was unhappy and lonely and looking for community. I figure it gave me a unique perspective on life. And I was smart enough to get out.
Good question Wild Turkey.
Edited by - songmistress on 3 November 2002 14:11:54
there was an elder at our hall ,when he would call on someone , he would help the brother with the mic to find the person.
he did this by saying: " sister little in the front"....hehehhe ,, of course being bored to death, this always cracked several us of rowdy back seat sitters up.. here are more examples from our old hall.
sister key , in the rear.
OMG Craig, the vision of Don Whiteman dying with laughter. I alway have appreciated his sense of humor.
I remember one talk given by our presiding overseer Ralph Mancia. It was a talk on family. At the time I was pregnant with my 2nd child. My oldest was slumped in the chair looking at his bible stories book. Anyway at one point in the talk, Ralph asked the question, "What will you say when your children ask you 'Where do babies come from?' My son who I would have sworn was not paying attention piped up in a loud voice "From mommies tummy". The KH busted a gut. It was then I learned that out children are paying attention even if they don't seem to be.
In 1978 members of the congregation traveled caravan style to Seattle for the summer convention. Since it was the day before the convention, we decided as a group to stop at the Olympia Brewery to take a tour. This happened to be my 21st birthday and I had just been baptized earlier that year. At the end of the tour we were taken to the tasting room. I decided that since I was legal now I would have a beer. I was carded and it was noticed that it was my birthday, so the lady asked everyone to since Happy Birthday. Of course the room was crawling with Dubs and only a few (non-dubs) started singing. I was mortified. The dubs from our congo were all laughing, but the one I remember so vividly was again Ralph Mancia. He was in a corner, doubled over, holding his belly. And here I am this newly baptized sister asking Jah to open the floor and swallow me up.
Thanks Dede. It is good to remember the lighter moments.
this link is to an interesting variation on the genesis account of adam and eve.
Indeed it does. What I like best about it is the beginning paragraphs about the start of the visit. Oh to be a fly on that wall. LOL
this link is to an interesting variation on the genesis account of adam and eve.
This link is to an interesting variation on the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. Enjoy
shall we play a game?
i was thinking this might be funny and perhaps a bit of mental exercise...try to create the longest sentence you can using only usernames....i'll try first... wild turkey balanced lyineyes' fire dragon betweenworlds waiting elsewhere.. sincerely,.
district overbeer
You-Know Valis, Bikerchic's onacruse.
Just my pitiful little attempt here.