Alright, I understand that clearly but I imagine certain elder bodies will interpret it as I do. More divisions to come.
from reddit.. a summary of changes: .
we are all sinners, so we have to be reasonable how we punish sinners.
if elders and congregation do not quickly help someone come to be reinstated they would be imitating satan the devil, not jehovah (yes that actually is what is said in the tagalog version in translation!
Alright, I understand that clearly but I imagine certain elder bodies will interpret it as I do. More divisions to come.
from reddit.. a summary of changes: .
we are all sinners, so we have to be reasonable how we punish sinners.
if elders and congregation do not quickly help someone come to be reinstated they would be imitating satan the devil, not jehovah (yes that actually is what is said in the tagalog version in translation!
I wonder if reappointment as an elder or ministerial servant will be sped up due to these changes if one is removed for sins other than watchtower's 3 sins of most serious concern? It is an interesting development that sexual immorality in general isn't at the top, nor murder!
from reddit.. a summary of changes: .
we are all sinners, so we have to be reasonable how we punish sinners.
if elders and congregation do not quickly help someone come to be reinstated they would be imitating satan the devil, not jehovah (yes that actually is what is said in the tagalog version in translation!
I wouldn't say that the 3 stated reasons for being more likely to get disfellowshipped is a deliberate distortion as I've heard many elders actually read into this direction from the update as just that, and under exceptional circumstances if someone has committed any other sin and after repeated loving attempts to change his mind he does not show repentance then yes he will be disfellowshipped for other sins.
This is how I'm reading into the new direction:
1. Slow down disfellowshipping by trying to make more reprovals for other sins. If this isn't possible after repeated attempts then disfellowship.
2. Quickly act to disfellowship if the publisher has turned to apostasy, is exposed for csa or is scheming to end a marriage.
it was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. . .
Ron W
Wow we must share similar experiences.
from reddit.. a summary of changes: .
we are all sinners, so we have to be reasonable how we punish sinners.
if elders and congregation do not quickly help someone come to be reinstated they would be imitating satan the devil, not jehovah (yes that actually is what is said in the tagalog version in translation!
From Reddit.
A summary of changes:
We are all sinners, so we have to be reasonable how we punish sinners. If elders and congregation do not quickly help someone come to be reinstated they would be imitating Satan the Devil, not Jehovah (yes that actually is what is said in the Tagalog version in translation!) and it practically blames all uber jws for manifesting this satanic attitude, it's a very strong point.
In the box, it is explained marking talks will no longer be done, and marking is something each congregation person will personally choose to do IF eg. the individual is dating an unbeliever or other "minor sins" in WT eyes, marking simply involves not inviting someone to your house or a party for ASSOCIATION, it doesn't mean not talking with them. Box explains the man in Corinth changed within a few months, this is the basis for the change towards disfellowshipping.
Judicial committees are no longer called judicial committees now because judging is only an aspect of their goal, the elders main goal is of mercy, to help gently change the thinking of the wrongdoer, with NO judgement.
Announcements to congregation of a reproval will no longer happen.( Study 34 (paragraphs 16, 17, 18)
Announcement of disfellowshipping an unrepentant wrongdoer, either an apostate, child abuser or someone scheming to end their marriage will take place. There is NO mention of any need to announce disfellowshipping for other offences, unless I need to clarify this when we receive the English edition.
Apostates must be avoided, especially on social media and their websites. To send them messages is like sharing in their wicked works. This is a massive game changer, this really is BIG!
It's all coming out now. Watchtower responding to legal problems.
now that the long-expected kingdom had become an established reality in heaven, surely its growing interests in the earth after 1919 would not be left in the hands of a novice organization of spiritual babes.
and that proved to be true.
it was the 1900-year-old “faithful and discreet slave,” the old christian congregation, that was entrusted with this precious kingdom service.
The problem with the FDS doctrine is that directly after the Faithful and Discreet Slave is mentioned, other parables, such as the 10 virgins and the illustration about the workers and their Talents are viewed as lessons by Watchtower, when the Faithful Slave should really be viewed not as a prophecy but simply as an illustration. The stupidity of this proves true when we read that half hearted explanation on how the part mentioning "if ever that evil slave" now means a warning to the Faithful Slave which should not be taken as a prediction the FDS will turn evil. Utter rubbish.
Watchtower tends to cherrypick Bible verses, and the FDS probably is only to be used in reference to family heads in the largely patriarchal approach Christianity takes.
The Governing Body don't need a Scripture to validate their position. History proves that prophets, although supposedly Divinley appointed, were clearly democratically chosen as such.
the watchtower—study edition | september 2024. enjoy the greater happiness that comes from giving.
9 though we are imperfect humans, we can imitate jehovah’s generous use of power.
we cannot literally impart strength, or energy, to others.
Page 15, paragraph 19 of the School for Congregation Elders manual
Hospitality (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8) An elder 'follows the course of hospitality.’ (Romans 12:13; Hebrews
13:2) The Greek word for “hospitable” literally means “fond of strangers.” Thus, the hospitable elder welcomes new ones to Christian meetings, showing the same interest in the poor as he does in the materially prosperous. He is hospitable to those traveling in the interests of Christianity and sends them on their way “in a manner worthy of God.” (3 John 5-8)
Indeed, an elder shows hospitality especially to fellow believers according to their needs and as his circumstances permit.—James 2:14-17
This is the official teaching. The term for hospitality is used for internal relationships rather than external.
the september watchtower has already been released and is being discussed over on reddit.
some highlights: .
1. more hitting the flock on total reliance and obedience to god's representatives on earth today, the f&ds (the governing body, of course).
I've created a new post listing my reasons as to why the August Study Edition should be no big deal. It will probably be released soon in the next month, with some disappointing information on how to treat disfellowshipped ones, no new light I imagine. Slightly 'modified' light maybe.
i have been following a number of posts discussing the august watchtower study magazine.
i really don't believe this common idea being passed around that it's being timed for the annual meeting.
here's why.. the august watchtower will be available on servers not long before its public release.
I have been following a number of posts discussing the August Watchtower study magazine. I really don't believe this common idea being passed around that it's being timed for the Annual Meeting.
Here's why.
The August Watchtower will be available on servers not long before its public release. Additionally, we are still over 3 months away from the Annual Meeting. The Organization isn't going to wait 3 months leading up to the release of the December Study Edition without too many PIMI JWs whining and begging to see the August Watchtower.
The Annual Meeting this year will be held on 5th October. So you mean to say that all Sunday meetings will come to a halt that weekend because there is no study article? Will there instead be a live message from WHQ to be broadcast over that weekend with a strangely timed immediate release of the digital Watchtower? I don't believe that would ever happen, it wouldn't work logistically.
This Watchtower we are waiting for will be out soon, simply put, in the same fashion as Armageddon!
So to all who are speculating, just stop speculating! It probably does have unique information. It's probably just not anything that's actually to be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
I'll eat my hat if I'm wrong!