SydBarret one simple question, do you think the current monetary system is sustainable?
if your answer is no then what do you think will replace it when it can no longer be sustained?
un and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
SydBarret one simple question, do you think the current monetary system is sustainable?
if your answer is no then what do you think will replace it when it can no longer be sustained?
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
What would be a good template letter to write to him?
Could someone post the address and a rough template idea that we can all write to uncle Tony?
Then we can all spread it around social media and friend lists
un and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
We already know where watchtower will stand they will say go and keep getting the shots and accept the mark of the beast because if you don’t then you won’t be able to buy or sell anything and they need you to keep donating all those funds.
The days text today was again begging to donate funds and god loves a cheerful giver.
Soon the old monetary systems from 1971 will be replace by another new international monetary system called CBDC. Watchtower will keep quoting pay back Caesar things and all that… putting particular attention on and Gods things to God meaning the governing body in place of God.
Once the USD collapses and we go over to CBDC they will turn up the begging and everyone set up a regular payment from their UBI wallet to support the worldwide work
un and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
Many people say they will not accept the CBDC systems and the digital ID, they will refuse the universal basic income. I will not refuse even though I don’t like it.
I will do everything required to get the 200 units of CBDC into my digital ID wallet every week, except anything that will damage my health.
If it’s requirement to keep getting MRNA injections to receive the UBI then I will make an appointment for the shot and then just before it goes into my arm offer them an incentive to put in the system that I’ve had it but not actually have these things in my body.
If they say no then increase the incentive or if still they say no then walk out of there and make another appointment and keep trying. If nobody will take the incentive then I would rather live outside the system than have these substances injected into my body.
Last few years many people in the UK paid an incentive to not actually have it injected into them but on the system it looked like they did have it.
un and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
Elon musk is working on the Nural link chip to go in your head and there are many projects working on the mark (chip) in your right hand.
The new digital ID will be a big part of it and you will have a social credit score. If you post any anti vax stuff your score will go down and if it gets too low you won’t be able to wave your hand over the reader to pay for things.
these units of CBDC will be programmable meaning you will have an allowance of how much meat and things you can buy. Once you have used up your allowance you will only be able to buy fake beyond meat that will grown in a lab.
what if you still want to buy things anonymously? This is where gold, silver and copper grams come into play but it will be on the black market. It will be made illegal to barter stuff for stuff they want every transaction on the blockchain where they can track and trace you.
it will be interesting to see where the Borg stand on these things, but going by their stance on the clot shots they will almost certainly tow the line. They will tell everyone to obey the superior authorities and go along with it all.
I don’t see how they can have a smooth transition from the old system the world is still using now to the new CBDC system without there being chaos?
I mean the debts are just too big. Will everyone’s debts be moved over to the new system one for one? The debts are just too big. JPMorgam and 50 trillion in toxic derivatives and most other large banks and institutions have similar, these can’t be wiped away. These are everyone’s pensions and investments how can they get rid of these with a big reset without there being anarchy on the streets when everyone realised they lost everything?
un and g20 and international financial institutions are working to set up the following: (a quote from the pdf at .
action 2: create a .
Yes I think that is the case.
CBDC systems to replace the $€¥£ and all the other systems we currently use. The new systems will be cashless so not possible to make any private anonymous transactions
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
What about all the other Bethelites that were sent back to the field who didn’t get a house bought for them that could live in rent free forever?
will people go there now that it’s known to ask him or watch him, even go to the local congregations to try to find out more info?
is he still an elder?
i’m new to apostate stuff but have gone deep down a few rabbit holes of late so want to see both sides to everything .
im going to a congregation but am viewed as a bit of a black sheep because i question lots of things but not enough to cause too much trouble.. i’m intrigued watching the show.
in my heart i’m pretty sure the governing body are fakes and charlatans.. the entire thing is a big con game.
My wife and I often disagree with the governing body on certain matters and will not follow all direction without thinking it through ourselves.
We both didn’t agree with the covid direction and the last few meetings before they stopped we did not go to because we thought people should have been wearing masks. They were far too late insisting on masks. All they announced at that last meeting was for older ones to stay home they still wanted everyone to keep going to the hall at that stage and no mention of wearing masks. Bad direction and we strongly disagreed.
Then the next meeting was in people’s homes we didn’t agree with that direction either and didn’t go. People were not wearing masks in these homes and were sitting in small front rooms packed together even worse than at the KH.
This was right at the start when covid was really bad and infectious and we thought the direction was wrong. It was far too late going over to zoom.
We both also disagreed with the direction to take the vaccination as did most of my family who are all JWs. I think some took the first one then regretted it and didn’t take any more. So we all went against that direction.
It’s ridiculous how the GB keep using the pandemic as an example of how following direction is for our benefit. The direction was all wrong, they were too late going over to zoom and that last few weeks of meetings did a lot of damage. Many other organisations starting proper social distancing way earlier.
Then they were wrong to force the fully vaccinated direction on everyone, and they try to take credit for giving such good direction which protected everyone.
What people should remember is they were too late with the masks and social distancing and then they should have remained neutral on vaccines. The direction was wrong.
We will think very carefully before following any direction from the faithful and discreet slave from now on.
i’m new to apostate stuff but have gone deep down a few rabbit holes of late so want to see both sides to everything .
im going to a congregation but am viewed as a bit of a black sheep because i question lots of things but not enough to cause too much trouble.. i’m intrigued watching the show.
in my heart i’m pretty sure the governing body are fakes and charlatans.. the entire thing is a big con game.
Asking questions is encouraged by many articles and videos. Even in the Jade and Nita series.
We keep getting watchtowers about proving it to yourself. It’s good to ask questions how do we know evolution theory is not true? If there is a creator then why doesn’t he do something about all the suffering?
These are the big questions that JWs think they can answer from the Bible.
Asking questions does not make you apostate. It’s the coming up with answers that will decided that.
If someone Was a JW and then decided that there is no God and he believes evolution that does not make him an apostate. If he says it’s up to you what you believe I am an atheist but you are free to believe in God and the Bible.
If he tries to speak against the Bible and tries to convince a believer that there is no God and the Bible is lies then that is an apostate
after a few years, unexpectedly, my pimi wife became pimq.. today she even asked me a question that i found very interesting:.
if god has been anointing women to be part of the kings and priests over humankind, why cannot they currently rule and guide 8 million people being part of the governing body (acquiring experience in that role as well)?.
All JWs who are PIMI are also PIMQ. They are encouraged to ask Questions then do lots of personal study. To go deep into the scriptures.
I actually think more of the 8 million have things they question and don’t understand than most think. Perhaps all of the 8 million actually are PIMQ.
Im even further along than PIMQ as I just don’t know so many things, I certainly don’t swallow hole what the Bible says.
My wife and I often have this talk. There are so many questions we have about the Bible that don’t make sense. I think this is true of all JWs even the governing body.
My wife is just like your wife she asks that same question, and she is doing microphones and Audio/visual at the meetings as we are both baptised and there are not enough brothers. Why can’t women give instruction talks?
We both could claim to be anointed. Perhaps we will as we get older and the organisation changes, we may start taking the emblems then we will get more respect and people will start listening to our questions more.
We are not supposed to question if someone is anointed or not. All those older one who claim to be 144,000 kings and priests that will rule with Jesus get more respect and always get the best parking places and best seats at the conventions. When other older ones who don’t take the emblems don’t get such special treatment.
Tedd and Zo.