Could someone translate the above post to English?
anyway regarding this post “Maybe that is why they appear to have changed the belief regarding salvation. If these changes mean fewer people hear the good news, they won't be doomed because they can repent at the last moment and be saved.”
this is absolutely massive. Before this new light it was the best ever way to wake someone up asking them do they really believe only baptised members and their children will survive Armageddon? Only 8 million survivors and around 8 Billion slaughtered?
I think the gov body saw that any PIMOs who really thought about this would seriously start doubting the doctrine. So they have had new light that perhaps Jehovah will be more lenient.
Yes less ministry needs to be done now if any good people will make it. Perhaps only the really really bad people will be slaughtered at Armageddon. In which case why bother preaching at all?
I also heard a brother quote Matt 24:14 and said Weill this has now been accomplished in all the nations for over 100 years. He thinks it’s encouraging to say we can sort of slacken off now just before the end. Soon one more push of the hailstorm judgement message and that’s the time all the good people will jump the right side of the fence.
yes the maps will not really be needed that much anymore as it was always a doubtful data protection problem. You were not allowed to write anything down but some brother cheated and took selfies outside numbers instead of writing them down and things like that.
my predictions are publishers were do hardly any ministry at all now and the poor pioneers will be on their own after publishers do tens mins or so. The pioneers numbers will start falling after this change. They will seriously rethink now it’s so unfair on them and they will be on their own after ten mins or so.
My wife and I still love going on the ministry groups for the social aspect. But we hate door to door. We may do ten mins then say we are going to do some ‘calls’ or ‘street work’ until the 11 o’clock coffee break.
It’s much easier being a JW these days with zoom for most of the meetings and just go a few times per month to in person at the KHall. Then go to all the gatherings and coffee meet ups. Do ten mins first call once every few months and tick the box that you participate in some form of witnessing.