Had the Circuit Overseer
I've never had a Circuit Overseer.
So how was he between the sheets, anyway?
downstairs yesterday we had the circuit overseer.
i hate how they are supposed to be humble men, yet they have everyone worried.
its more like the boss checking on your work.
Had the Circuit Overseer
I've never had a Circuit Overseer.
So how was he between the sheets, anyway?
now that i'm done with school for the summer i've got some spare time to read as much as i like.
i just finished "sylvanus now" by donna morrisey.
love the play but I found the book to be very difficult. The initial part with M. Welcome was very enjoyable but there was so much information on characters that only played a minor part in the book. I enjoyed the twists but the endless volumes of information was difficult for me to get through.
I've never been able to see the play but thoroughly loved the book. But I can understand about hard to get through books. The hardest book for me to get through was Moby Dick.
I am currently reading Diana Gabaldon's newest book in the Outlander series, "A Breath of Snow and Ashes". I'm about halfway through it. It's almost 1000 pages.
Take your time. If you can make the next 500 pages last another year and a half, then you will finish about the time the next one comes out. That way it won't kill you to wait for the next book! The suspense for me is murder! I missed Claire, Jamie, Bree and all the others for days after I finished it. It's so sad when a good book ends. And the last 200-250 pages are dynamite!
Currently I am reading some lighter fare, such as Robert B. Parker's Spenser and Sunny Randall novels.
For heavier stuff, A Christmas Carol by Dickens (something I was never able to read before), Pride and Prejudice by Austen, and Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky.
one of the most notorious things that jw's like to talk about are their expectations for the new order.
they talk about what things will be like, the kind of activities they'll enjoy, how resurrection will work, what the "worldwide cleanup work" will entail, which houses they'll appropriate, how they'll finally be able to have the kids they've put off, and so on.
here are some of the things i've heard witnesses say about the new order: they would personally explore the moons of jupiter for possible human colonization they would eat meat, since isaiah talks about "well oiled dishes filled with marrow" they would travel the world they would learn to play the piano they would research the "other scrolls that would be opened" they would play football (but not tackle football) they would have bible studies with newly resurrected ones they would speak hebrew (it's the language god gave adam and eve, you know, and we'll all have one language in the new order...) they would literally never feel any pain sensations ever again, even if they banged their elbow.
... live in that house (pointing to a nice house they see out in the field service).
i attend a group activity every week and there is a young jw's woman that attends there with me and everytime we stand up to salute the flag she refuses to stand or say the pledge of allegence.
she told me that if she did the elders would df'd her for idolatry.
i have never heard of jw's getting kicked out for saluting the flag.
Actually, I think if someone were openly saluting the flag and 2 or more JWs saw them doing so, the elders might consider that the person had disassociated themselves, similar to joining the military or some religious group. They might try talking to the person first, but some BOEs feel that is not necessary in the case of disassociation.
Blondie's right. It's considered being political and Jehovah's Witnesses are suppose to be neutral regarding nationalism. Their allegiance is to Jehovah (and his Earthly Organization). Any JW pledging allegiance to the flag is considered to be a statement of renouncing their faith and becoming a member of the organization fro which the flag stands.
Of course, JWs are still allowed to join the United Nations as long as they keep it a secret and nobody finds out.
don't tell me none of you watched this?????
it's a new hbo series on sundays at 10 pm.
it's about a mormon offshoot group, complete with a commune, child brides, and polygamy.
Have you checked out Margene's blog? It's a real hoot!
don't tell me none of you watched this?????
it's a new hbo series on sundays at 10 pm.
it's about a mormon offshoot group, complete with a commune, child brides, and polygamy.
Okay, this show is starting to really freak me out! Their writers must be ex-cult members or something.
Cult term of the week: "The Principles"
They don't believe man walked on the moon, and Rhonda doesn't understand voting, doesn't know who Dick Cheney is, thinks that maybe George W. Bush is the "leader." She doesn't know anything else about how the world works, except that she has to wait until her eighteenth birthday to get officially (not legally) married.
Wheelchair bound Earnest Holloway was beaten and told to leave the compound. His wives would be redistributed to other men.
Why Nicki would want her children to grow up in that kind of environment if anything happened to her and Bill is hard to understand except for the fact it is the only life she had growing up? Her cult involvement has lessened during her time "in the world" (another cult term, sound familiar) but it is still strong. She can't seem to get close to her sister wives, and they tell her she's cold. Is her upbringing by the cold hearted group being reflected in her being cold in the family.
Sneaky Wendy has just about put all the pieces of their family tree together. Her snooping through their wills was totally unjustified by whatever "dirt" she thinks she is bringing to light because of it. She reminds me of a snoopy elder or elder's wife who thinks that they justified in their whistle blowing when actually the are just the lowest form of snake invading people's privacy to suit their vision of what is right and wrong.
Heather's conscience has her torn between going to the authorities about Rhonda's statutory rape and her promise of silence to Sarah.
Interesting how Ben was more interested in his step-mother's legs than his girl friend's. This kid needs some serious time on the shrink's couch with an Oedipus complex like that.
The final episode (in two weeks) looks like it will be covering outing, and throwing stones in a glass house. Secrets are going to be made public, but by whom? It looks like one wife is going to be arrested. Which one?
this is one of my mother's sisters.
i am going to feel this one, ... because for the last five years, since my departure from the org.
her and my cousins, .. we have become very close.. they have been very supportive for me.
My deepest sympathy on your great loss.
i was talking with my friend the other day and he was telling me that he was going to several kh to debate with jw's elders to look in their libraries and show jw's the "cover ups" from their own books etc; this man has "no life" except debating with jw's.
i feel enough is enough!
when are apostates going to just let it go?
I feel enough is enough! When are Apostates going to just let it go?
When they let my family go! Tammy
http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=16031 .
Or how about The Brokeback Da Vinci Code?
It wasn't Mary Magdaline that Jesus secretly married, it was Murray Magdaline.
<<<<<<<<monday i want you all to send your greetings.
nothing nasty gumby!!!!
just kind sweet things to a very old lady!!!!!
Happy Birthday Grace!