I'm so happy for you!
hold on everybody....ready for this.... .
if you've been reading my posts over the past few months you'd see the research and progress my dad (a former elder) has been making.
he and my stepmom were visiting us this weekend and he told us he's done with the jw's.
I'm so happy for you!
i'm not feeling too good and if it wasn't for my mom threatening to put me on suicide watch, i would be dead by now.
anyways, i think i might have to get hospitalized soon.
i'm sorry to all of those who i put through pain.
Hang in there! It isn't easy, but it is worth it. It's hard to see that now, but when things do get better... they're great! Life is so much more enjoyable with the right meds and counseling. Just keep telling yourself that things do get better, that you won't always be sick, and you are worthy of the reward of life.
what do you think would work today to convince them that the wtbts is not the "only voice of god on earth," the only "true religion," the only correct understanding of the bible?
do you think telling them about the un, or the false dates, or the pedophile problem would work best?
would you try to shove the wizards curtain aside?
What do you think would work today to convince them that the WTBTS is not the "only voice of God on earth," the only "true religion," the only correct understanding of the Bible?Do you think telling them about the UN, or the false dates, or the pedophile problem would work best? Would you try to shove the Wizards curtain aside? What do you think would work best if you only had one shot at it?
My mother is 80 years old. So I wouldn't do any of that. I would just tell her I love her very much, because it would probably be the very last time. Tammy
this one is for the politically correct crowd: .
is there no 'absolute truth'?
do you want to live that one out?
What in the hell are you smoking?
Can I get some?
maybe the tide is turning.. .
ruling restricts shunning practiceshuman rights commissionruling restricts shunning practicesamish store ordered to serve ex-amishby bruce schreinerassociated press.
Hasn't anyone ever seen those "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" signs?
Those signs might look official, but legally their bark is worse than their bite. You have to have a darn good reason to exclude someone from your place of business, and it usually has to be tied to a specific behavior (no shirt, no shoes, etc) or criminal act. It is best to call the police; then they can tell the customer that they need to leave because of such-and-such bad behavior. They will warn them if they return, they will be charged with trespassing. However, if the police even catch a hint that you are discriminating against the customer based on race, etc. it could all blow up in your face.
well a few have asked how i am doing so i thought i would just give y'all the bad and good.. the bad news:.
i'm still in pain.
after all the tests: blood, xray, bone scans, ultrasound, mri, circulation tests, nerve conduction tests they still can't find one thing wrong.
I'm glad they could find something to ease the pain. Getting the proper rest should help too. When you are in pain, you can't sleep, which makes the pain worse, so you still can't sleep... and on it goes in a vicious cycle. Maybe these meds will help break that cycle or at least let you get enough rest to help de-escalate the level of pain.
after i quit going to meetings, tuesdays, thursdays, and sundays felt really strange.
it was so weird having all this time to myself that i never had before.
it took about 1-2 years for me to fully adjust to this new found free time.. anyone else experience this?
No way!
I was glad it was finally over! I had stopped going for a long time, except when I was visiting relatives, and even then I managed not to go most of the time. What were they going to do, force a grown person to get all dressed up to go with them?
I usually had to listen to a lot of BS afterwords. "Oh too bad you missed it! It was a thrilling meeting. Brother so-and-so from congregation such-and-such gave the talk and he said that Armageddon was coming real soon. And the Watchtower study was so deep. It really shows we are in the last days."
I knew it was BS by then. 1975 was 15 years in the past. The King of the North tore down the Berlin Wall. I just wasn't ready to give up my family. Eventually I didn't even bother to pack my meeting clothes or books at all when I went to visit them.
Same S***, Different Day, Different Language!
It certainly proves that JWs are impartial. They pull the same crap on people no matter what their nationality is.
it has been 5 years since a scared still-jw lurker signed on as blondie.
my other birthday approaches but this is the real one.
i have seen jwd grow and change and evolve, and some of it was painful.
I have seen JWD grow and change and evolve, and some of it was painful. I have changed and grown as well but JWD made it less painful.
You were a big part of that growth and many have benefitted more from your presence here than you will ever know.
I was on a jury last month for the very first time. I am glad I got to experience being on a jury for once in my life. I had been called once before, but they reached a settlement on the case in a backroom somewhere that very morning while 100 potential jurors sat in the courtroom twiddling their thumbs!
Last month I actually got picked and it was very interesting and memorable. It was a two-day civil trial involving an automobile collision. I felt very patriotic that I could perform this duty for my country.
Here's some advice. Take a paperback with you because there are periods of downtime when you will go bonkers if you don't have something to read or do.