Thanks for the sign offer, but I don't think I will go that route. My husband suggested something similar, but I told him I want JWs to feel free to come to my door and ask, "What do you know that I don't know?"
Finally Free,
Yes, that's what was so annoying. It was the sheer stupidity of the question. That's why I think it was some line in a rehearsed come back to the Kingdom Hall for the Memorial campaign.
"Let's see, I've been gone so long I don't even know the exact number of years, so how come you think I would feel any differently now?" Gimme a break.
That's a normal reaction. It's hard to come up with, "I'm sorry you're so stupid to come to the wrong door, but I'm an apostate now and have never been happier!" on the spur of the moment.
Dumb policy. I wonder if they ever call on Ray Franz?
What A Coincidence,
The last visit was a sister, and the visit before that was two sisters, so I suspect that I dropped off their radar for a while. Every time they came around though I made it clear I was an ex-JW and should be on their list. I thinks that's why the suits showed up this time. It's not official until someone with a penis verifies it.
Full of Doubt Now,
Hope they don't bother you, but if they do ask you, you can look at them dumbfounded and say "Why would you ask me a stupid question like that?"
Yes, it can get pretty silly. I have had them get off the elevator and take the stairs to avoid me.
Then they take their chances on some elders being swayed by the two thirds of us who are happy with their new lives outside the Watchtower.
He said it like some person stumbled me because they didn't say hello to me at the KH. If he ever comes back I will be sure and clear up that misconception and let him know it was because 35 years of lies no longer sounded like the truth to me.
I just tell them the truth. "I'm no longer a JW. I've been out 10-15 years and I'm very happy that way. Put me on your list. Thanks. Goodbye."
It should be enough to put a seed of doubt in most publishers, especially if you are pleasant. These elder types, though, were almost begging for a stronger response with their stupid, condescending question and comment. I was a bit more curt with them. I let them know I definitely was not nor wanted to be a JW ever again.
The woman who got off the elevator when I got on was the same way. She was making up an excuse to her little girl about why they were getting off, but it was so obviously a lie made up on the fly. It was very funny. It was hard not to laugh.