Dang it! What's the matter with those thoughtless people? What an uncaring act of brotherly love! No respect for other people's property. Don't they know the circuit overseer wants that house for himself after the Big A?
this was in our sunday paper.
i remember once in field service, an elder ran over a trashcan and never even stopped to set it back up, so this comes as no surprise to me.
how rude.
Dang it! What's the matter with those thoughtless people? What an uncaring act of brotherly love! No respect for other people's property. Don't they know the circuit overseer wants that house for himself after the Big A?
i work with a young woman in her mid-thirties that is openly lesbian.
we have been friends for about 10 years when she first started working at the company.
i was crazy about her before she came out as "gay" and i still have a good time working with her.
What Jeannie said is good. I would also add that there is a fine line she is walking at work, where she needs to act professionally. She may feel that her co-workers are being homophobic, but what she is doing is a form of sexual harassment, and if she doesn't stop, she could be fired for just cause, just like any straight person who goes on and on about his or her love-life in the workplace.
However, be careful of the can of worms you may be opening. Depending on local laws, union contracts, and company policies, if told she must curtail her talk about her relationships, then she has the right to complain if her straight co-workers talk about their wives, their girlfriends, their boyfriends, dating, etc. It becomes a two-way street that all in the workplace must navigate carefully on.
i have been depressed, drinking and just got myself in a mess.
i know i can pull out of it, but feel that spirituality is important to me.
i don't believe the witnesses are the answer and will just add to my problems.
Welcome Kaytam!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
just looked up my old high school in classmates.com, i saw this dude who was a couple years older than me, didn't really know him but i knew his brother (who left the org the same time i did), his dad kicked him out of the house and he lived in his car, they are sons of one of the elders (assholes) who df'd my dad.
the good son was a good little jw that did everything a jw father (elder) would want his son to do, on his bio on classmates.com he says that he is gay, ha ha ha ha.
I don't mean to offend you Scotsman. I agree with you that it is very tragic. But I also agree with Worldly Andre that there is a great deal of humor in the situation. As tragic as it is, it is also very funny to many people. You have to admit it is very ironic, and I believe that irony can make it a very humorous situation.
I also hope that some day all of those family members who continue to shun their gay children will get a clue and realize life is too short to carry on this way.
my doctor called me today and told me i have a very aggressive case of colon cancer.
i go back on monday for more tests and maybe surgery and chemo i don't know.
my partner is a total mess over this and he is all i have.
My heart goes out to you and your partner during this time. People I know have recovered from this diagnosis. As others have said, it is crucial to maintain a positive attitude. Hopefully you can find help in doing that here, but if you need to be elsewhere right now, we understand. Just know that you will be in our thoughts and hearts wherever you go.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
just looked up my old high school in classmates.com, i saw this dude who was a couple years older than me, didn't really know him but i knew his brother (who left the org the same time i did), his dad kicked him out of the house and he lived in his car, they are sons of one of the elders (assholes) who df'd my dad.
the good son was a good little jw that did everything a jw father (elder) would want his son to do, on his bio on classmates.com he says that he is gay, ha ha ha ha.
I feel the same way as Worldly Andre.
I once encountered someone, a JW, that my own mother had thought very highly of for his remarkable knowledge of a certain field of expertise, and found out that he was gay. How wonderful that he was living his life! How laughable that my homophobic mother had no idea that she had been idolizing a gay man!
Every time I hear of some self righteous JW having a gay, bi, or trans child I laugh. I rejoice for the child who had the courage to come out. I laugh at the moronic attitudes of the JW parents who continue to follow, in all seriousness, bad Watchtower counsel such as to inculcate your children from infancy, use the rod of discipline, and teach your kids how masturbation which leads to homosexuality. This balderdash is fed to the parent and child constantly to keep them on the "straight" and narrow (narrow-minded) path to inevitable family oblivion.
Eventually the eruption occurs, and it's a doozy. The volatile confrontation needlessly tears the family apart, and the self righteous parents lose every time. But do they even realize it? No. They are convinced they did the right thing by shunning their child for the Watchtower's (posing as Jehovah's organization) sake. Blinded as they are, they don't realize that they are doing it to themselves, and that they could still have a happy family with a gay child if they just chucked those archaic, homophobic notions. But no, they are convinced that the child is to blame, that the child made the choice to "turn gay" and is doing this as some sort of rebellion. They don't understand how hard the child worked to conform to a straight life that was alien and unnatural to them.
Yes. I laugh at loud at the irony every time I hear of it. It is incredibly funny to me to hear of these failures of pious parents and Watchtower doctrine. My bittersweet rejoicing lies with the poor child who went through hell and is now able to finally live free of a family and religion that didn't really deserve or appreciate the specialness of the child in their midst.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
just looked up my old high school in classmates.com, i saw this dude who was a couple years older than me, didn't really know him but i knew his brother (who left the org the same time i did), his dad kicked him out of the house and he lived in his car, they are sons of one of the elders (assholes) who df'd my dad.
the good son was a good little jw that did everything a jw father (elder) would want his son to do, on his bio on classmates.com he says that he is gay, ha ha ha ha.
I hope you will think about how hard it is on us too. We don't set out to come out "after" we have a spouse and kids. If the religion would get a clue about some simple biology we wouldn't have to try to pretend to be someone we are not, we would not have to risk losing our kids to suicide, who think it is better to die than come out of the closet. My 16 year old nephew did that about 5 years ago. We might end up just being able to lead normal lives from a much younger age.Wouldn't that be something?
Yes, it would.
i figured you all would enjoy listening to my expirience from work today.
a quick background, since my second day at my new job i knew one woman was a witness.
she had the peace tract pinned up to the wall of her cubicle.
I don't tell many people at work about my JW past for that reason. Only a handful know. There are no other JWs in our building, but I imagine there are in other locations. We are spread out across the city. If one should be newly hired or transferred into our building and learned of my past, he/she would have to shun me and I don't need that crap at work.
Kudos to you for taking her on. Wish I coulda been there!
i know that many who left the organization left for there own reasons, which are interestingly similar.
is there anything (teaching) that stuck with them.
i am mainly refering to the princibles that are taught.
swan I think you may have misunderstood my intentions for this thread. I know that people makes changes for the good without being a JW, I was just simply wondering if for some, positive changes were made for thier benefit from being in the org.
I understand. Since I was raised in it, I have no opportunity to know for sure in my own experience. I do think I am very messed up from my abusive past, and several counselors now have agreed with me. If there were any benefits, they are hard to see through the tears. Tammy
the energy project
in 2003 steorn undertook a project to develop more efficient micro generators.
Wow! That could really topple the power base in the world, if it pans out.