JoinedTopics Started by spider
in the beginning...
by spider ini just started reading the first few postings on this forum on pages 278 and 277.it was interesting to see how it all began.. the first messages were very guarded.noone knew what was to be deemed acceptable discussion.simon mentioned barring some apostate subjects.. it appeared at face value that all were current witnesses but i don't think this was true.. what was the real intent of this board at the beginning?
was it as innocent as simply allowing witnesses to discuss doctrine etc or was it to help witnesses see that their religion was false.. were there hidden agendas at first?
how many that claimed to be a witness was really just trying to gain the trust of others so as to help them think.to all that did and still do i have much respect and admiration for you all.. the board has evolved.when i read those first messages i was shocked by how polite and sensitive everyones comments were.this is not the case so much now.all the same there is freedom of thought and expression and this remains a very healthy thing.
paranoid android
by spider indid you used to get people in your cong that were more sensitive to the demonic influences than others.some people just used to get bad feelings about an innocious piece of music.a tears for fears song did it for one of my old friends.then there are others that sense a satanic presence around inanimate objects.. satan was everywhere and in everything.kate bush was a witch - so was the girl out of fleetwood mac.some records had secret messages that if you tilted your head and turned three times said "worship satan" .
there probably are such messages in metal music but they used to be so paranoid it reached ridiculous levels.
"don't you hear it - listen again but slow it down more" .
Evil Men/silentlambs
by silentlambs inthis was a post i made six months ago, some of you may have missed it.
i have watched many responses from those within the organization that endeavor to defend the current watchtower policy toward pedophiles.
the most common response seems to be that any accused child molester is reported to the watchtower legal department and then reported to local authorities with cooperation from the local elders.
when is enough enough
by spider inthere is a fight going on.it is great to watch it.the arch enemy borg is to get its comeupance.the rebel fleet has a new weapon which will topple the empire.too many sci-fi analogies.....yea sorry about that.. i hear about all the work being done to highlight child abuse,the blood issue and disfellowshipping.there is picketing and programmes being made on national television.it gets my adrenalin running to think about it.i qeustion myself - how much is a desire for this religion to change and how much is pure blood lust.. when will i be satisfied?.
if the witnesses do change their policy on child abuse then there is still the blood issue to focus on.if they change that then disfellowshipping becomes the primary concern.if by some miracle they saw the light and dropped this as well - what then?.
will i be content then or will i want more?.
JW's and star trek?
by bboyneko inwhy are there so many star trek refferences among x-jw's?
like the borg getting assimilated, etc.
i heard before that star trek was very popular in bethel despite warnings not to watch it.
Times are a changin...
by TheApostleAK intimes change, rules change.... the corrected list from a previous post.. * = what i've seen jw's doing (and not just a few either) against the society.. become a jw and you can't.
celebrate mother's day .
celebrate father's day .
Prevalence of JW Suicides - Real or Imagined?
by AMNESIAN inin one or two recent threads i've seen reference to the possibility of a rising number of jw suicides being another of the organization's very dark realities about which it is vigilant in keeping concealed from its pub populace.
is there anyone reasonably informed regarding this?
is there reason to suppose the incidence ratio among jws is any higher than among any peoples/religion?
Do you want the real truth or not?
by Jason inon this website there seems to be so many lies and so little actual truth.
is this supposed to be a place to get answers or confuse the hell out of truth seekers?
well, for you seekers out there, if you find the truth on this site it'll be a major fluke.