Considering the fact that humankind predates the mythological Adam and Eve by many thousands of years makes the death of another mythological person conceived in sin by a god fornicating with a human woman totally meaningless. Anyone believing that sort of nonsense deserves to eat rock hard crackers and wash them down with cheap bargain store wine.
JoinedPosts by Malachi
Why did Jesus have to suffer?? Something I never thought about.
by ttdtt insomething dawned on me last night.
jesus was suposed to be a corresponding sacrifice for adam right?.
a perfect life for a perfect life.
How many fence sitters are really out there?
by atomant inl think the real figure would be a real nail in the coffin for jw believers.lf the elders knew what l knew they would have a field day.many many jdubs live a double life.lovey dovey at the hall and totally different people at home and guess is many dubs are schizophrenic and in need of help.with all the brain washing lm not surprised.what have others observed.
There surely are many JWs on happy pills. That tells you something about god's 'happy people'. When you are told that if you are not happy there must be something wrong with you, not stated directly but implied in so many words, it will cause serious mental and emotional issues including bipolar type disorders, depression, etc -
Why did Jesus have to suffer?? Something I never thought about.
by ttdtt insomething dawned on me last night.
jesus was suposed to be a corresponding sacrifice for adam right?.
a perfect life for a perfect life.
Good point. Interestingly he stands in stark contrast to the horrific example his presumed father set. Numerous examples throughout the bible indicate that he was an ill-tempered, genocidal maniac responsible for the slaughter of many thousands of people including innocent children simply because they had no knowledge of what his standards were. Consider the Canaanites. They were wiped out based solely on the decision by 'God' that the Israelites should have the land. No opportunity for redemption was offered them, the only ones who survived were Rahab the harlot and the Gibeonites who apparently were smarter than God and tricked his army into letting them live. This pattern continues in the future when God supposedly will annihilate over 7 billion people because they wouldn't listen to the hoarde of crazy, pedophilic, mentally unstable cult members who feel they are working out their salvation by peddling their religious beliefs and living double lives and who feel that they will enter the 'promised land'. I feel bad for the deluded people who got sucked into the cult, I was in for 50 years.