(((Leander, Matty)))
Leander, your experience with your mom really seems close to my own... Those conversations, over about 2 or 3 weeks, as she tried to persuade me not to leave "The Truth", were very difficult... My sister called me, in tears, asking "Don't you know you're committing suicide?" (My brother was always a bit of an emotionless, self-involved prick, and so only wrote me a goodbye letter & spoke to me only once at a funeral a couple years ago And over the years, as my mom saw that her sporadic tries at convincing me to come back weren't having any effect, they really have all begun to shun me (leaving a family get-together if I was there, & so on).
I won't pretend that I think the WTS has *any* of God's spirit, or that the majority of religions in the world do, or even that there's One God out there... I did learn some excellent lessons from the witnesses, having been raised that way through my teen years, and I have committed some "sins" as they & others would have it, but I do appreciate the reasons for caution that they taught me... Basically, I say as Pellonius did: To thine own self be true. Because that, I think, is where one finds the divine: Deep inside, rather than in any book passed down over generations... I guess my point is that I feel the witnesses gave me a good foundation for an intelligent life, and that other religions do so as well, despite their reasons for doing so!