One time at the memorial talk, the brother giving the discourse was so nervous he kept burping with every word. We were sitting in the second school where the attendant kept turning the sound up. He wore hearing aides but must not been working. The burping sounds blasted our ears. Another brother would turn the sound down and the attendant would come in and turn it up. This went back and forth all through the talk. Finally the brother told the attendant in not so nice words to not touch the volume switch again. To add to the night, a young girl in front of us about 13, who was studying had brought her worldly friends along for support. She tells them not to take the emblems. One friend remarked that it was only grape juice and the girl studying said"Not here it is wine". And the friend said that"s all the better. But when the wine was past the girls had went to the bathroom. That was the last memorial we attended.
Never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-R.Gordon