The Bible is clear on Jehovah's thoughts on abstaining from blood. The blood issue and the stand Jehovah's Witnesses take on blood transfussions is a major reason why many do not accept our message and it's also a constant critisism we receive. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I take Jehovah's law serious. Abstaining from blood could be a death or life issue, but when it comes down to it, I ask myself, "will I be faithful to Jehovah only when there is no danger of dying?". That would not be loyalty, but cowardice. As a witness, I have a firm belief in the resurrection. That belief is something that critics do not appreciate as they have no faith or deliberately overlook this wonderful promise by our creator. As witnesses of Jehovah, we should be willing to be loyal in the good times and bad times. That's the bottom line.
JoinedPosts by SwordOfJah
Transfusion once again
by krzysiek inwhat i cannot understand is why jw are so determined not to allow to transfuse blood.
it's anachronism!
the governing body has changed so many their doctrines, why cannot they change that?
He totally blew smoke up my a$$!!
by LovesDubs ini hope you all remember me...a few months back i wrote and said that my husband who is a jw...a very passive agressive jw...told me i was satan's minion and that my literature on the shelf had demons that were attacking his jw literature and he moved all of his literature to our bedroom floor.
he also said that my activities online were going directly against jehovah and that it was destroying our marriage.
being as we have three young kids, and he wasnt going to meetings much anyway...i decided it would be a small thing for me to give up my online persona and remove my literature to save the marriage.
You seem like a loving wife, why in the world would he want out of that lovely marriage?
Vicki Boer, Watchtower Society and Money
by jschwehm ini think the decision by the judge to force vicki to pay the society's legal fees even though she won the case is just fundamentally unfair.
this lady was hurt by her father and the society obviously did something that at the very, very, least was not helpful in her case.
it would seem to me that if the jws really are the christians they claim to be, that they would not be seeking to send this legal bill to someone who has already been through so much.
It would seem to me that if the JWs really are the Christians they claim to be, that they would not be seeking to send this legal bill to someone who has already been through so much. It seems to me that the Christian thing to do would be to forgive this debt afterall what do they think Jesus would do in this situation?
What a dumb comment! She sued the Society so love in your mind would be for the brothers in Bethel to say "honey, it was ok to file suit against us so we will pay for all your costs, we love you, please keep suing us", and then you ask what would Jesus do? O.k., let's see. If a person filed a suit against Jesus, then Jesus would pay for their court cases? Get real!
The New World Translation
by MrsQ incan anyone give me an explanation of how the nw translation came about?
who, exactly, were on this bible translation committee, and what were their qualifications?
when was it first published?.
Interesting information on the New World Translation:
Still waiting ... since 1975 !
by Amazing inwhat have i done with my life since 1975?
became a jw in the late 1960s ... looked forward to 1975 as early as 1968 ... so, out of a sense of duty and spirit inspired organizational hounding ... when 1974 arrived, i sold the house, sold the car, sold the wife and kids ... then moved to where the great are needed ... 1975 came and went ... .
so did ... 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 walk away from the organization ... 1993, 1994 then it was 80 years of a special mighty generation since 1914 ... finally, 20 years later it was 1995 when i was forcibly disassociated by wts legal department ... 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 ... yikes!
Noah receives instructions from Jehovah ...It's 2450 BCE. Noah set to work as a builder and "a preacher of righteousness," warning that wicked generation of impending destruction. Others listened and watched as Noah built the ark. They laughed and saw no signs of rain. Imagine you were there and the years passed... 2449 BCE, No Rain, ha ha, 2448 BCE, No Rain, ha ha, 2447 BCE No Rain, ha ha... down to 2371, would this be the year? No rain again, ha ha, Noah must be crazy with that stupid ark!... 2370 BCE, you're dead. Noah and his family survived.
Destruction of Jerusalem foretold ... It's 66 AD... You are a Christian that knows what Jesus foretold about Jerusalem. The Romans suddenly withdraw. It's time to run.. oh wait there's no tribulation yet...67 AD You still don't see anything happening...68 AD Still nothing maybe these Christians are wrong...69 AD No sign of the end yet, these stupid Christians don't know what they talking about, look how stupid they look fleeing to the mountains!... 70 AD You're dead.
Proverbs 1:22-33... "How long will YOU inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and [how long] must YOU ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and [how long] will YOU stupid ones keep hating knowledge? Turn back at my reproof. Then to YOU I will cause my spirit to bubble forth; I will make my words known to YOU. Because I have called out but YOU keep refusing, I have stretched out my hand but there is no one paying attention, and YOU keep neglecting all my counsel, and my reproof YOU have not accepted, I also, for my part, shall laugh at YOUR own disaster, I shall mock when what YOU dread comes, when what YOU dread comes just like a storm, and YOUR own disaster gets here just like a storm wind, when distress and hard times come upon YOU. At that time they will keep calling me, but I shall not answer; they will keep looking for me, but they will not find me, for the reason that they hated knowledge, and the fear of Jehovah they did not choose. They did not consent to my counsel; they disrespected all my reproof. So they will eat from the fruitage of their way, and they will be glutted with their own counsels. For the renegading of the inexperienced ones is what will kill them, and the easygoingness of the stupid is what will destroy them. As for the one listening to me, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity."
2 Peter 3:3,4... For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: "Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning."
Any idea how many Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls there are ??? $$$
by run dont walk ini was wondering if there is an accurate list of all the kingdom halls / assembly halls / printing plants and land in general owned by the watchtower.
you have to figure at least one kingdom hall in each decent sized city on this planet.
i know of at least 7 in my city.
By the way, the local Kingdom Halls are not under the name of Watchtower.
Each one is owned by a locally formed corporation (composed of three elders) or by trustees.
Do the Elders know about this?
by meadow77 in.
what kind of an example are we setting for young witness girls regarding modesty?
i personally think she looks nice, although maybe she should try for some darker colors; but because of her jw affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards.
because of her JW affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards
What double standards? O.k., smartasses what do you suppose the Society should do? Serena has never said that she is a baptized Witness. So should the Society go on the news and start saying "so and so is not a JW". Give me a break, you people will find any stupid thing to accuse the Witnesses of double standards!
An elder wants to study with me...please help!
by shotgun inafter my recent barrage of elder visits i've been told that to truly show i'm willing to work at restoring my faith a bs is needed.. i want to be able to pick a few recent publications (last 10 yrs) and sit down with him and examine all the quotes and references in the publications to show how the society has misquoted and misrepresented so much in their publications.
do you know which publications would be best..keeping in mind the reference material will also have to readily accessible to be of any use.
i don't think searching on the internet will be acceptable to him.. .
My oh my. Look at all these posters saying "don't do it" to a simple bible study. I'm conducted many a bible study with inactives that wanted to make sure about the beliefs and none are disfellowshipped. Go for the study, at least even if you decide not to be a JW anymore you will be sure of what your doing. And not just following what these mean-spirited apostates are telling you.
Two most important doctrines of JW's.
by Mr Bean in1. you will believe in the sacrifice of jesus christ.
2. you will believe in god's anointed,directed and inspired organization.. .
in case you are not sure, study baptismal questions.. .
Think about it...
WTS Addresses Child Abuse - er, kind of...
by iiz2cool inmy wife, who is intent on re-activating herself as a dub since i da'd myself, went to the convention this past weekend.
she showed me this new publication entitled "learn from the great teacher", and placed great emphasis on these two pages i scanned and am posting.
it makes a poor show of telling children what to do when confronted by a child abuser.
Aroarer: I'm tired of the same old stupid expression "typical JW Bubble in your thinking". It's just a lame excuse to just ignore everything I post.
The book is not misrepresenting anything, it's openly discussing these issues and giving young ones a warning. Of course it's hard, there's not one universal solution to the problem or instruction on what the child can say when they are cornered by an sexual predator when no one is around. But at least, the book helps parents that have a dificult time talking to their children. This happens a lot JW or not. Everyone here is saying "they should have said this", "they shouldn't have said that", "they used strong words", For god's sake can't you all see how absurd you are just criticizing sitting on your asses in front of your computer screen. If they would have completely avoided the subject, then everyone would be criticizing that they didn't say anything. The truth is that the evilness in your hearts lead you to criticize everything that the Watchtower does. It really makes me sick the way apostates think they are so much smarter than anyone else, smarter than JWs, smarter than the Governing Body, even if Jesus was here you would also ignore him and be criticizing everything he did. I've seen many posts comparing JWs to Pharisees, but the reality is that you all are doing the same thing they did with Jesus. Instead of seeing the good that he was doing, they were criticizing insignificant things.
I'm tired of all the crap in this forum, I'm out of here...