Dictionary defines remove as moving something or someone away from where it was. Doesn't sound voluntary to me, actually sounds worse than disfellowshipping.
JoinedPosts by KerryKing
Why the term "disfellowshipped " was removed
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/ags07jlopcy?si=g9ra1jqksuuauyax.
Why do exJWs sign disassociation letters?
by psyco inby law, they ask you to sign to leave a society/organization when, by the same law, they do not ask you to sign to join it.. imagine being in court with a representative of the jws.. the judge asks you: "are you a jw?"..
you could respond: "let them prove it!"..
question: how would they prove it?
I remember being asked to sign a publisher record card, they were updated every x amount of years. I wonder of those are still in use nowadays?
unbaptized boy having priority over women
by enoughisenough ini was thinking about the male children ( even unbaptized ) being placed ahead of the sisters.
; and i thought the jw were raising a bunch of misogynist.
would these kids not feel more important than their mothers let alone other women.
Paul's letters are not all in the Bible, so we don't have a full picture of why he wrote what he did. It is very likely, going by context, that there was an issue with the women in that particular congregation, like with other corrections and admonitions in his letters, that didn't make it a blanket rule for all congregations.
It's also very possible that these anti women verses were added at a much later date, and not by the original writer at all.
Beroean Voices channel on YouTube has been an eye opener for me regarding the history, accuracy and origin of the NT.
'All scripture is inspired of God' was written before the NT even existed, what we have now, is what the Catholic Church deemed 'holy scripture' in the 3rd century. And they had no original writings to go on, only copies. Copies full of mistakes, damaged and marginal notes of which no one knows if they were in the original or added afterwards.
Makes we wonder what they kept hidden in the Vatican vaults?
2024-07-July-S-147 Announcements!
by Atlantis in2024-07-july-s-147 announcements!.
https://pdfhost.io/v/96mkpxpq1_untitled_1 .
It's actually disgusting to read, children more qualified to serve God than women is my take away. And do NOT bother sending your time or money to your imprisoned brothers, better give it to us instead 😡😡 Totally opposite to how first century Christians looked after each other!
Is that letter read out at a public meeting?
How Did You Do It?
by KerryKing inhave any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
I like that! Kind of reverse psychology!
How Did You Do It?
by KerryKing inhave any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
Wow I did not know that about the Free Masons passing the bread and wine!
I find that JWs in general don't believe Freemasons actually exist, a clever ploy by the borg!
How Did You Do It?
by KerryKing inhave any of you here successfully woken up pimi family members or friends and got them out?.
if so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?.
Have any of you here successfully woken up PIMI family members or friends and got them out?
If so, how did you manage to do that, what was the information that made them jolt up out of their hypnotism?
by Atlantis init was translated so make sure everything looks ok.. 2024-08-august-edition of watchtower magazine.. .
https://smallpdf.com/result#r=c90d948913ed99d72872c0a1c609f388&t=share-document .
One of the study articles keeps repeating how we can make God happy, maybe it's the auto translate but it just sounds so shallow, it really annoyed me.
Happy is my dog when I rub his belly, or take him for a walk.
Or is God Happy? One of the 7 dwarfs? Are we yet to meet Bashful, Grumpy and the rest??
Then it struck me earlier, that Jesus commanded his followers to love God with their whole heart, soul, mind and strength. God wants us to love Him, and he WANTS to receive, to feel, that love.
Of course His happiness doesn't depend on our behaviour. That portrays Him as a terribly insecure and needy personality.
The corporation has once again completely undermined and swept aside a fundamental teaching of God and Jesus, central to the entire Bible even, the First Commandment, to love our God with our whole being, so important that Jesus reiterated the vital importance of it for his followers.
Complete wooshed over the heads of the WT writers.
Post circumcision infection? 🫣🙊
Coming soon: Governing Body Update #4
by ukpimo inthe upcoming governing body update, set to be released on friday this week, will feature a bearded samuel herd.. jwtalk website revealed the leak, so this thread will be used to speculate the content of the update and discuss the actual contents after its release..
Thanks, plenty of light reading here for the summer 😅