I don't think we are in total darkness, or without hope.
Christians are just looking to be rescued all the time, but Jesus said the Kingdom is already here, but very few would enter because they can't see it. And if you can't see it, neither can you collaborate with it.
Jesus asked would he even find the faith when he returned?
There will be no giant rescue operation, called Armageddon or anything else, Jesus already did that with his sacrifice. It is up to his true believers and followers to spread the kingdom message of love and justice for all, distributive justice, and where there are even just two gathered in his name, he will be there working alongside us.
The two most difficult concepts for humans to grasp and get on board with, because humans, unlike animals, are the only creatures on earth riddled with both Ego and Greed.
Christians don't believe in the Big Bang that began it all, but they do want a Big Bang to end it all. That's not what Jesus taught or demonstrated in his life.
I personally find the Gospel of Thomas a very encouraging source of Jesus's teachings and wisdom, without the surrounding stories.
The bottom line is that to love like Jesus did and demonstrated, is to humble ourselves completely, be like a small child in humility. Rejecting the ingrained philosophy of our patriarchal and hierarchical society, just like Jesus did.
Practicing true justice, distributive justice where everyone has enough, not some arbitrary political concept, but the idea that once we have enough for our household, we share with others who do not yet have enough.
Think about the true meaning of Sabbath, and Jubilees, and fallow fields. It all comes down to that justice.