Brutally heavy rains or furious winter storms were about the only things that would keep my uber faithful parents home on Saturday morning. Even bitter cold didn't do it.
JoinedPosts by starfish422
What did you hope for just to avoid Saturday witnessing?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inlast night we had a hell of a storm here.
there was thunder, lightning, pouring rain and wind.
personally i love stormy nights, cuddled up to hubby in a warm bed.
An Open Invitation
by DJ inthere's an open invitation to all who would like to attend the annual convention in the mountains of pennsylvania for xjw's!
it books rather quickly and will be held on october 17-19th, fri.- sun.
there are accomodations on the grounds of the blue mountain christian retreat and they are very inexpensive.
How about a convention for xjws who now recognize Christ as a poorly-written fairytale, not even worth of Easter Bunny or Santa Claus status?
June 27th was...
by starfish422 ten year anniversary of having made my stand.
i left my parents' home and the jws on june 27, 1993. .
also, a little announcement: hubby and i are expecting our second bebe in march.
starfish422 ten year anniversary of having made my stand. I left my parents' home and the JWs on June 27, 1993. I know I haven't been on the boards much lately but I have actually been sort of letting go of the whole thing and gradually I don't "need" the therapy of the boards as much. But thought I'd stop by and give a wave to my friends on here; Scully, Ray, Quotes, Beans, Hawkaw...anyone I'm forgetting?
Also, a little announcement: Hubby and I are expecting our second bebe in March. So now I"m off to have a little nap whilst I gestate. LOL
Take care everyone! Hope all are having a great summer! :)
Are You As Zealous An Ex-Witness As You Were A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inwere you a zealous defender of jehovah's witnesses?
are you now a zealous defender against the "truth"?
I wasn't really zealous as a Dub. I mean, I went by fits and starts; but never really had the fire of The Truth, TM. I mainly went in service because my dad was PO and would kick my ashtabula if I didn't.
The main difference now is that I am not ashamed to tell people that I am an ex-JW. When I was in the Borg, if someone asked me about it, I spoke of it in hushed tones so no one would overhear. I wanted as few people to know as possible. Now, if someone asks me where my parents live and, finding out that they live only 15 miles away, comment on how it must be nice to be so close to them, I have nooooo qualms about speaking up loud and clear about what my life has been like; and what I've been through since leaving.
Can Jehovah's Witnesses Now Celebrate Birthdays?
by UnDisfellowshipped incan jehovah's witnesses now celebrate birthdays without being disfellowshipped or disassociated?
will jehovah's witnesses who celebrate birthdays now only be considered as not being "mature" christians?
the watchtower, october 15, 1998 issue, pages 30-31:
Over the years, however, the religious associations have faded, and today these practices and customs have no religious significance.
Exactly!!!! If I don't celebrate Easter, not with the intent of honouring Eostre, the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in Northern Europe, but rather with the intent of having a fun springtime celebration, an excuse to decorate with pastels, eat chocolate, and buy gifts for my son...then that's what it is!! I don't give a rat's patootie what other people associate with Easter doesn't mean that to me, and that's what matters.
They write things with such a glimmer of intelligence, and then follow it up with absolute drivel. And the dubs all buy it, ad infinitum.
District Convention
by Charmed inmy mother sent me a letter the other day asking me to go to the assembly with them next weekend.
everytime they talk to me now the conversation always seems to be the same.
we are good.
They say they're the religion of love, but that only applies if you play BY THEIR RULES
My therapist calls that "conditional love".
Does Everyone Leave For The Most Noble Of Reasons?
by Englishman in.
some of us left simply because we didn't believe it any more.. some us couldn't stand the hypocrisy.. some of us left so's to have more sex.
some of us saw another light shining brighter.. some of us wanted more material possessions.. some of us needed more control over others than the borg would allow.. what do you think?.
Is it not considered noble to be able to call your soul, and your decisions, your own? If not, then I didn't leave for a noble reason.
How about for love? :)
Online dating for dubs?!?!?!
by pr_capone ini came across this today... found it rather interesting.
check out
kansas district overbeer
I can't find the "Sisters Seeking Sisters" or "Brothers Seeking Brothers" section of the site. Darn!
Scully's Saturday Shenanigans - Now With Pics!
by Scully inthe day started innocently enough.
i had to rush through my morning workout so that mr. scully could go to work.
when i returned from the gym, i picked up my daughters and headed out to do some errands, since the stores had been closed yesterday for good friday, and would also be closed tomorrow, easter sunday.. .
Now, see, Scully, you really should have given her a contribution for those magazines; after all, the WTBS must be going into debt no longer asking for 75 cents ain issue. Maybe you could have traded something; say, a Smurt hand puppet? ROFL ROFL
Thanks for that, I enjoyed it very much!
The "immediate future": another typical WTS catch phrase still used
by onacruse instinkypantz sent me a couple of quotes from "the past" that brought back a lot of memories, including this one (bold added):.
*** awake!
october 8 1966 pp.19-20 ***.
From "The Princess Bride":
Vicini: "He didn't fall?? Inconceivable!!"
Inigo: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."