I just want to say I have a really great feeling come over me everytime I see his avatar.
Go Danny Go!!
danny, i would like to go on record saying that i have always admired you and your posts.
i hope we can have a national or international apostofest someday so i can shake your hand.
good luck to you, mate!
I just want to say I have a really great feeling come over me everytime I see his avatar.
Go Danny Go!!
this subject has been gnawing at me for awhile now.. so many of you:.
1) were raised in "the truth?".
2) did you get baptized and at what age?.
Raised in it, 3 grandparents calimed that anointed thing. Parent Gilead grads, pioneers, lifelong cong overseer, PO, that story. Got pictures of myself at some assembly in diapers, but I was born in '54 so I must have been in NY in '58
Yes, at 20.
Slow fade started at about 40. Time goes by fast, it's been a couple of years since I was told if I was seen talking to my DA'd buddy they would have to do something. Whatever.
early on in my journey, i found myself reading some posts on a site called discussion.witnesses.net.
one who posted that greatly influenced me was "robbie".. .
anyone else here read on that board or know any history about it, or maybe know "robbie"?
I wish I could post it. I only have it on a quite a few printed pages.
I gave my collection of printouts to a close friend. The one who began shunning me after quitting the meetings, but that came over at my wife's insistance to try to save me. Guess what happened? He's now an apostate. DA'd. He gave me back the collection a while back, and he had underlined and circled and highlighted throughout the documents. I think he used the same highlight he used to study the WT. HA!
Sorry I can't help. But, it's all here on this forum somewhere, maybe in different words, but it's here.
early on in my journey, i found myself reading some posts on a site called discussion.witnesses.net.
one who posted that greatly influenced me was "robbie".. .
anyone else here read on that board or know any history about it, or maybe know "robbie"?
I have a printout of a discussion between Robbie and ManofTrueGod that I found earthshaking at the time.
early on in my journey, i found myself reading some posts on a site called discussion.witnesses.net.
one who posted that greatly influenced me was "robbie".. .
anyone else here read on that board or know any history about it, or maybe know "robbie"?
Early on in my journey, I found myself reading some posts on a site called discussion.witnesses.net. One who posted that greatly influenced me was "Robbie".
Anyone else here read on that board or know any history about it, or maybe know "Robbie"?
i cannot compete with threads anymore.
they beat me!
threads about pit bulls and other dogs and virginity get all the attention.
I rarely post but I read here everyday.
I have a section in my favorite places on my browser that is entitled JWD discussions. Under that is one titled Farkel. There's a quite a list there and I refer to it when I am feeling down and need a boost. I have what I consider exceptional portions of your posts saved in my .doc file folder. There are quite a few files there. I have sent links to your posts to many people. Just recently, as you started threads again, I find myself checking everyday to see if there is anything new from you. Something about your style- you say it like it is and with the right touch of humor. I know I read your posts with a smile on my face and when you are challenged by a newbie, I know it's time to get the popcorn and sit back and watch the show.
I read your posts with a great deal of satisfaction that I have made the right choices in my life regarding this religion, and religion in general as far as that goes. I remember being disappointed when I came upon your website and it had christian leanings. When I discovered it was old information I felt so good.
I concur with Ranch, you have had a far greater effect that you can imagine. Seven's post is right on. Just remember that whatever direction you go you left a huge mark.
i was thinking about this the other day in response to the question, "am i coming back?
" put forward by jw who called me (a former friend).
i said that i would not answer that question since it would put her in an uncomfortable position.
I feell it is appropriate to devote my 100th post to this thread. I can say with no reservations that I can't even find 1 reason. I can't imagine ever going back. It would be like Truman going back once he discovered the back door.
i just had a startling conversation with a brother in my congregation at today's meeting.
he asked me if i had read the two study articles of the june 15th 2004 watchtower magazine on blood transfusions, particularly the banned and not-banned blood products.
he told me he found it absolutely idiotic the way the argumentation for banning some blood products and not others was presented.
Does anyone know if there was a blood card distributed this year? I just check my wife's and it was dated July 2003. I know they didn't pass it out in 2002 saying there was a problem with the printing. But I thought they started again in 2003 and now it appears they have stopped again as my wife usually keeps up on that.
zugswang, I think you hit it right on the money about testing the water and the reasons why they need to get rid of it
another thread asked what made you first have doubts.
for some, i guess there was one particular instance that made them start questioning, i.e.
generation change in 1995, un scandal, child abuse being brought out into the open, but for me it was little things.
I just remembered something I heard at a CA, that I had completely forgotten about but was really one of the first things to hit me. The DO made the comment from the stage about holy spirit's involvement with appointments in the cong. He made the statement that if a recommendation was sent from a local cong. there wasn't holy spirit back in NY that would kick it out for things not known to the local cong. That was the first thing that got me to thinking, and it didn't take much thought to realize it reached much deeper that just appointments.
just read the following on another db.
while i've never felt driven to write, i still relate to most of what he's writing about.
i should write him and tell him if he's not careful, his life will still be un-organized 10 years hence.. .
Seems like no one else can relate, but I sure can. I surely don't have the answer to your questions, but it has given me something else to research (I'll add it to the list). I make signs for a living, and I don't have a sign on my own truck. Why? I have designed it several times, but by the time I get around to making it, I no longer like the design. When I share the design with others, they think it's great, and I thought it was at one time too, sort of. I know exactly what you mean. The more I study it, the more I feel there's room for improvement and it usually ends up filed away with the many other designs that preceded it. And I continue to have no advertising on my truck.
No satisfaction for me. I think it comes from a lifetime of never feeling I could do enough, was never good enough. Yes, it's the religions fault. I'm sure of it.