JoinedTopics Started by StifflersErSlayersBrother
Outer Limits,/Twilite Zone (Shunning)
by StifflersErSlayersBrother ini was just reading the "i think i did it!
" thread by freeman, and started thinking about shunning and such.
i remembered seeing an old episode of one of the formentioned shows in the subject.
When and Where D'fed or such....
by StifflersErSlayersBrother ina while back there was a post on when/where baptised... i thought i'd do the complete opposite :).
as for me.... sometime in the near future maybe
Curious... Why so many planets?
by StifflersErSlayersBrother ini usually for some reason wake up pondering on my life and coming up with questions about certain things... this morning i looked out my window and thought... if god made earth for humans to live on.. then why did he create billions, and billions of planets inside billions and billions of galaxies?
if earth is the one out of allll these planets that has life on it... why?
Who needs meetings
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inwhen i got this board..... 1. you dont care if i partake of recreational phamacuticals.... 2. you dont care if i grow a beard :).
3. you dont ask me to partake of "privleges" that involve a microphone on a stick.... 4. you all know what i'm going through and dont give me odd looks like im a bad person.... 5. i feel actuall love here...
URGENT , Got meeting tonight(Beards)
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inanyone got any good information as to why dubs dont like beards?
in 18 years, i have yet to understand why.
if its brought up tonight by anyone, what should i say?
Bible Discrepencies
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inin my own personal research in the bible, i have found certain... discrepencies in certain areas... the following are in my opinion, what really happend.... 1. god didnt make woman out of a rib from man.. more than likely, god said "yo adam, man, you look lonely.
i tell ya what lets through a bbq party.
ill bring da women, you bring da ribs!
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inneone got ne good excuses for me to give friends and family members as to why i have missed so many meetings?
they gonna get suspisious if i keep sayin i been sick...
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inif your were requested for jury duty on a case involving a witness girl being molested or worse, what would your vote be against the wts?.
guilty or not guilty?.
ps, would vote guilty myself...
Just Curious
by StifflersErSlayersBrother inhow many of u guys are sorta in btween right now, like me?
just curious... come across lotta things lately that make me not so convinced bout wut i been taught to blieve my whole life :|.