are you fessing up SP?
Hehe.. yes I am.. did you not get my card? I accidently sent the gift w/o including the card, and then sent the card later..
hey when the gifts start arriving let us know !!!!
it took over a month for one of my gifts to florida & 3 weeks for the gift i sent to someone in california.... ( lousy u.s.a. post ) lol.
i sent one to england it got there in 10 days???
are you fessing up SP?
Hehe.. yes I am.. did you not get my card? I accidently sent the gift w/o including the card, and then sent the card later..
sorry if i'm boring you once more, but it seemed like a good way to finish off the year.... so i'm sitting here listening to "wilderness of mirrors" by fish, wracking my brains to recount the events of the last two weeks.. it started by knocking off early to catch a flight to glasgow, on the 17th.
i normally catch a boat and drive down, but i managed to get a flight that was cheaper, so i went for the comfort instead.
mistake number one was forgetting to print off a map for the carhire place, though.
hey when the gifts start arriving let us know !!!!
it took over a month for one of my gifts to florida & 3 weeks for the gift i sent to someone in california.... ( lousy u.s.a. post ) lol.
i sent one to england it got there in 10 days???
only about 12 weeks till xmas, are we having a christmas card exchange?.
i couldn't take part last year but i can this year.. thanks,,,,orbi
that would take an elaborate system of pipes and pumps
I'm sure your plumbing is adequate..
only about 12 weeks till xmas, are we having a christmas card exchange?.
i couldn't take part last year but i can this year.. thanks,,,,orbi
(((Stinky)))...came today.
ok, so here's the situation.
i am 24 yrs old.
married and have 1 child.
Start by researching the Watchtower Society and not blindly accepting everything you were raised to believe. Good luck!
the person who designed car alarms to squeak like beached dolphins when they are locked by their owners.
too often i have meandered in a daydream through a car park entertaining myself by imagining larry king spontaneously combusting as he licks yet another serial killers toes, and suddenly the car next to me has belched into shrieking life just long enough to stop my heart.
test your next invention on your ageing grandmother before you sell it, you pillock.
Uh.. yeah.
my son was just singing the twelve days of christmas to me and he said..... "...eight maids a milking.
seven swans a swimming.
six piece of legs!!!!".
That is too cute!! "Two Turtle Gloves"
((TJ & Friend))