It was'nt that bad. The elders still have not gotten with me yet. Oh well, I am ready when they are. I feel much better this afternoon then I did this morning, things don't appear so grim. Jehovah knows I love him, he know that I am weak, he know that I am human.
Thank you Thinker and Thinker's wife
To Waiting
Yes I now realize that I am not alone. I am in a world full of imperfect people, we all miss the mark. And it does help to have a really nice man who loves me.
Again thanks
Please remember that it only happen once. He still calls, email etc.
You sound like the elders when I first went to them letting them know that I was attracted to a worldly man. They stated if he loves you he will study. I want him to study on his own, not to keep me.
Thanks. Oh yeah and it is my intention not to engage in anything sexual. But the flesh is weak. Pray, Pray, Pray for me. Please don't stay out of this, I value your input.
Edited by - Struggle on 31 December 2000 22:18:30