I doubt they would talk to your mother in the congregation. Only away from the hall.
As mention here, some people feel that dis'f is wrong and harsh and will go out of their way to be nice, though not in front of the elders etc.
ummm...question re my mothers status...she got dfd 3 months ago and expected to be shunned.
indeed, i told her she would be shunned.. but she reckons that everyone is being real nice, talking to her in the street, etc, has there been a change of policy?.
ive been out a long time and would have expected shunning.. shes starting to think of me as a false prophet.
I doubt they would talk to your mother in the congregation. Only away from the hall.
As mention here, some people feel that dis'f is wrong and harsh and will go out of their way to be nice, though not in front of the elders etc.
hi rollercoaster, i am here and i am df'd.
very long story about that one.
in essence i told the elders about themsleves.
Thanks Rollercoaster. Hugs.
To Metatro, I will put some more things down in writing for them, they will have to deal with it. Thanks
hi rollercoaster, i am here and i am df'd.
very long story about that one.
in essence i told the elders about themsleves.
Gopher you are right, I did not kiss booty huh, belive me I did not bit my tongue, I told them about themselves.
To "V"
I was raised in the truth and had never heard of them forming a committee. You see come to find out someone told the elders something about me and a someone else. Believe me when I say, I told them who ever told them that was lying. For you see me and this person never went anywhere, so what did this person say and see. I told them that was slander, gave them the meaning of the word "slander". I did do somthing to get me df'd. But not with this person. I could not believe it. Again I did not bite my tongue, I told them quite a few things about them. I am still going to the meetings. But I told them I will not attend that hall again, becuase they believe someone else. One elder went on to say, they know, they are talking. So I know exactly how your husband feel. Imperfect men. They try and bully you. I told them they will never, ever seen me sitting in a JC again.
hi rollercoaster, i am here and i am df'd.
very long story about that one.
in essence i told the elders about themsleves.
Hi rollercoaster, I am here and I am df'd. Very long story about that one. In essence I told the elders about themsleves. I guess they did not like that. I told them they would never see me sitting in a Judcial Committee again. I would'nt wish that on anyone. Talking about stumbling someone. Wow. They form the committee and came and told me they had form one, when could I meet with them. Has anyone ever had that to happen?
hello, i was reading judical com.
was really suprise to find out how some of jw's feel.
some have, like the single mom, have such a negative experience with them.
Hello everyone. Seeing if Rollercoaster is still around. I just read your reply, was just checking on you. This has been a very trying nine months for me. Anyway, just wanted to say hello to everyone who help me, logical, thinker, thinker's wife, larc, mommy, redhorsewoman, so many.
Hope everyone has been doing fine.
hi all,.
someone asked me the other day why i am so interested in reading about jws,ex jws and things that are going on with the wts.. i think for the most part,only those who have been involved with the wts can understand why we are so interested in the subject.. of course having believed everything the wts has told us over the years and dedicating our lives to it kept us tied in with them.. what are the different reasons that you all have for continuing to be preocupied with the wts?.
I will keep searching. I am glad you still have a relationship with Jehovah. That is what I want to always have. I want him to always be in my life.
whassup guys.
i've spent most of my web time over the last 2 years at another site full of ex-jdubs...i'd say about 50 people post there on occasion...many of that number regularly.. what struck me from the beginning, as i got to know the people posting there was...how many were now atheists...non-believers in god...the bible...pretty much anything they once held sacred as jw's!.
i dare say...90 some % do not consider themselves christian now!.
I beleive in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. I beleive in the Bible.
hi all,.
someone asked me the other day why i am so interested in reading about jws,ex jws and things that are going on with the wts.. i think for the most part,only those who have been involved with the wts can understand why we are so interested in the subject.. of course having believed everything the wts has told us over the years and dedicating our lives to it kept us tied in with them.. what are the different reasons that you all have for continuing to be preocupied with the wts?.
The thought has cross my mind. But at the same time, when you are in on a committee it is highly unlikely that one of them will take that opportunity to reveal his intermost thoughts.
i was raised a jw left when i was 20 years old.
i have been out for 20 years until i met a brother and started studying.
after a year or so i met a sister who had been in the truth for all her life,46 years, she had been married 2 times.i fell in love with her.people had warned me that she was trouble,but i could not see it,i figured that she had to be better than the women that i knew in the world.i was in love,so we married 4 months later.thing were going good for a while i had been going to all the meetings and out to service,i noticed she was allways running down the elders, makeing fun of sisters,to and from the meetings.i started getting tired of it.so i told her i was not going to go to the meetings if she kept it up.we started arguing things got worse her mother and kids allways came 1st and for me last.the elders got involved, she left me went to her mothers.
Hello Genebene
Sorry about all of your hardships. Trust me when I say this is the place to be. It is hard. I know how you feel. If you get a chance read confessing, I started it. They have really help me here. If at all possible keep going to your meetings, if that is what you want.
For me I have to go to mine. It is a struggle, but I go.
There were and are here when I really needed someone. Don't give up.
I know a sister who is a "pioneer". She has been married three times.
First one was wordly, last two in the truth. She witholds sex from her mates hoping they will go out and committe fornication. The second husband was dis'f. She divroce him. Third husband held on for about 8 years before committing adultery. He is on private reproof. Need I say she is divorcing him. It is sad when things like this happen. You see there are no guaratees even in selecting a mate in the org.
<<<<<<<<big hug>>>>>>>>>>>>>
i had no idea you were ex-witnesses when i registered here.
continue to send me e-mail anyone from this group.
steps to contact the administrator of this site, with this information.
Well Said Thinker's Wife
It is a support group. It is human nature to rub each other the wrong way from time to time. But we get over it and move on. People such as myself, who may be lost or in a daze really need a group like
this. Upbuilding, enlightening, informative.