The computer I’m writing this on was built by my homeschooled kid.
As to the 8 year old boy out working with his dad at 10:30 in the morning instead of being at home, schooling – That’s just one of the Perks of homeschooling! As long as the material gets covered, and the kid is “getting it” – what difference does it make whether he/she starts at 7 or 8 in the morning or at noon! The kid gets his lessons one-on-one instead of having the teacher distracted by 30 other students, so it does take less time to learn the material. And if it’s a gorgeous day, you can just drop everything and get out there and enjoy it – what’s the big deal if they hit the books a little later that day!
Like so many things in life, it’s a trade-off. But for everything they give up, there’s something gained as well. And as to the big “S” word (Socialization) - it can be done through numerous other sources – Little League, volunteer work, neighborhood kids, clubs, camps, specialized classes (i.e., art, music, dancing, etc.) But it can be a great bonding experience.
It is true – some people have no business home schooling – EVER! If they can’t give it the priority and time it deserves, or if they just are not capable “teachers” – they shouldn’t be doing it. And if they can’t be totally committed (because if you’re doing it right – believe me, it’s exhausting!!!), they shouldn’t do it. But it has turned out a lot of bright, happy kids, well-adjusted kids – just as many schools do. And it has turned out some not-so-well adjusted kids – just as many schools do.
It’s just another choice; it shouldn’t be pigeon-holed. We of ALL people should know NEVER to close our minds to new ideas, or to make quick or arbitrary judgments. There are endless choices out there – and MANY of them are right choices!