Hey alliwanna
Where do you get that from?
No, my long-suffering husband, now he's a confirmed ex-JW, likes to kid that now I'm a Christian (long, complicated story), Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
i'm wondering if any of you suffered major guilt over getting yourself off while a dub.
or did you all manage to abstain until you left?
i know it was one of the main reasons i left.
Hey alliwanna
Where do you get that from?
No, my long-suffering husband, now he's a confirmed ex-JW, likes to kid that now I'm a Christian (long, complicated story), Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
i'm wondering if any of you suffered major guilt over getting yourself off while a dub.
or did you all manage to abstain until you left?
i know it was one of the main reasons i left.
Hey Geordie,
Does your name mean you're a northerner?
Just wondering...
Sunbeam (in Gateshead)
part 3: the october surprise!
jws were very eager about world events peace and security: the worldwide pronouncement of peace and security has been a prophetic mantra of the jw religion since before i became associated in 1968. and now, at long last, it was finally upon us!
true, 1975 had not brought armageddon, just as 1914 did not bring it either.
Brilliant writing, Amazing! Thanks.
You've shown how hard it is for JW's who have invested so much time, energy and emotion in the org to leave it. Even firm evidence that the WT is in error can be rejected in favour of the 'bigger picture' and the hope that things will change. And there's always that fear that Satan has had a hand in the doubting process!
This also helps to explain why I've got a 50-something JW mother-in-law (30+ years in) who refuses to 'see the light'.
God bless
i studied with the jws for a number of years and i found that on your doorstep they were the friendliest people in the world, but the firsrt time i stepped into the kh, with the exception of a few they didn't want to know!!!!!!!!!
i sat on a chair alone for the whole of most meetings, sometimes i even had a whole row to myself.. i then began to realise that i was only a statistic on a monthly report card.
in other words if someone was pioneering or it was raining they only had to come and see me to make their hours up.. question the blood issue and they will walk past your house with their heads down and push your magazines through the letter box when they know you are out to avoid seeing you.. i love my family, but according to the jws my lovely husband, my children and my grandaughter who i love more than life itself have no chance in the new system.
...and welcome to the board from a fellow UK-er!
You asked 'Where is the Truth?' If you want the truth about the WT, I think you've already worked that out for yourself. There are plenty of links at the bottom of this page that will reinforce your conclusions.
From a Christian perspective, no-one and no religion can claim to have it. That's because Jesus himself is 'the Way, the Truth and the Life'.
If you are interested in joining a Christian religion, simply find a church that teaches that you have to be in Jesus rather than in their organisation. In the UK, I've generally found that the Baptist churches' teachings are quite sound from a biblical point of view (I think they are very different from the US 'fundy' version). My church is Anglican, but not all of them are following biblical guidelines.
Good luck in your search for truth. I hope you find the answers that you are looking for.
i would like to post my personal experience here because i can't tell anyone else.
i met my boyfriend when i was 15--i am 20 now.
we couldn't help falling in love, and we both made extreme sacrifices to be together.
Hi Cello
Don't get me wrong - there were LOTS of hurt feelings. Hope you can find a way to reach her.
TP - your post was extremely verbose, but I have to say that I agree with every word. I would add that the simplest way to avoid being sucked into a Bible-based cult is to reject any organisation that says you need Christ plus something else, e.g. plus be in our club, plus do everything we say, plus don't grow a beard, etc.
hello everyone.
i would like to share this with you.in the daily mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the jws calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the kh whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.. paul gillies, spokesman for the jws in britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to jesus's message,we want to spread the word of jesus and offer bible studies.if people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".. i hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
Hi Nic
Thanks for the greeting. And nice site!
hello everyone.
i would like to share this with you.in the daily mail newspaper today there was an article about a woman who was so fed up of the jws calling at her home(which they have done for the past 12yrs)she decided to stop them once and for all,each time they called she told them she was not interested but they still came,so,the other day she went to the kh whilst there was a service and knocked on the door until someone answered,when they did they were not amused,the woman then started to ask completely irrelevant questions,she remained there for about 30 minutes then the police arrived to remove her,she went quietly and said she did it to prove a point.. paul gillies, spokesman for the jws in britain,said "representives did stop calling at homes if asked",he says "if someone states they do not want a visit we make a note and avoid calling",he also says that "we go to peoples homes because we are obedient to jesus's message,we want to spread the word of jesus and offer bible studies.if people phone our national headquarters saying they didn't want visits we would contact their local congregation and let them know".. i hope you don't mind me sharing this with you guys
Hi QCA1 and welcome!
It's good to see another fellow Brit on the board. To post on a specific forum, simply go to the top of the page and click on All Forums. You will then be able to select the Personal Experience section.
Best wishes
the other day, i was messaged by a young jw guy (using yahoo messenger, where i am breezyone2001; chat me up, gang!).
his opening line to me was, "why are you attacking the witnesses?
" i responded by asking him in what way i was attacking the witnesses, and he said that he saw my name in a yahoo club for ex-jw's.
Hi folks
Just another evangelical checking in .
Interesting topic, NM. I'll be interested to read other people's replies to your original question.
I was never a JW, but my husband was. When he finally accepted that the WT was a cult, it was a relief for him. He'd left still thinking that it had the truth.
We've done a lot of research - freeminds, past WT's, the Bible, etc - and now he generally agrees with mainstream Protestant theology, but isn't remotely interested in being involved. He describes his faith as dead rather than living - it's only in his head, not his heart.
All the fallout as a result of leaving the society and debating the doctrines of the WT ad nauseum has 'innoculated' him in a sense.
BTW, I think I read that Randy was a Christian before he joined the JW's too...wasn't it via a Billy Graham talk?
PS LoneWolf - I always love your insightful threads. Looking forward to part 2.
i would like to post my personal experience here because i can't tell anyone else.
i met my boyfriend when i was 15--i am 20 now.
we couldn't help falling in love, and we both made extreme sacrifices to be together.
Hi Malian
I'm so sorry that you had to lose your boyfriend this way. I too fell for a witness, he was 20, brought up in the religion and truly believed that the WT had the truth. Their logical arguments in support of their doctrines are very compelling and he believed that he had looked into the subject and come to the right conclusion. Of course, he had been protected from hearing 'apostate' views. And he had ready answers for the usual questions - 1975, etc.
So when I started to raise issues with his beliefs - why does God want you to die rather than have a blood transfusion, where does this religion originate, how many people in the religion have completed higher education, how can you believe that Adam and Eve story - he thought that I was attacking him for being stupid enough to hold these beliefs. I didn't realise this. I was just trying to make him think. And the natural witness reaction to negative info about the WT is to reject the messenger.
He was on the edge of the religion - long-haired, a bit of an 'independent thinker' - but was still under its spell. Eventually we split up and then I began my research in earnest.
A year later, I got back in touch. He had been thinking about the things that I'd said and had stopped attending meetings. Within a year we were married. Meanwile, through my on-line research I had become convinced of the truth and wisdom of the Bible. Via my local church's web site and Randy's free minds site, I learned the real truth and am now a born again Christian.
I don't want to get your hopes up of a reunion with your boyfriend. Obviously, every situation is different. But you might have planted some doubts that will bear fruit in the future. Having a 'worldly' girlfriend will have put him under a lot of pressure for 5 years. In the end, the WT's mind control sucked him back in. It was probably the only way that he could cope with the dissonance in his mind. If it's possible, perhaps you could try to keep the door of friendship open, just in case he needs you in years to come.
I'm glad that you've found this forum. It does help to talk to others that understand. Hope to hear more from you.
Oops, rambled on a bit...
i noticed in a couple of threads people discussing the impact this board would have on jw's with doubts coming here and reading the messages.
it got me to wondering where most people that post here were at...what stage in their jw/ex jw process...when they started reading and/or posting here.
also curious, when you did come here what was your main focus?
It all began when I met a gorgeous, long-haired man at a heavy metal nightclub 7 years ago. We hit it off straight away - but then he started to tell me about his religion: no blood, etc.
I was an atheist and thought that the whole idea was ridiculous - and frightening. I started doing some research into JW's on the web, found Randy's site (thanks for all your work, Randy!) and lurked on H20. That was back when Cygnus was radical.
I started to have doubts. The WT arguments were so compelling - what if this was God's organisation on earth? I decided to compare their doctrines and supporting scriptures with those of mainstream Christianity, as objectively as I could. I didn't want to be taken in by either. Christianity won out every time.
Eventually, I read an explanation of the gospel and realised what all that weird dying on a cross business was really about. I prayed the sinner's prayer and now I'm a born again Christian. I know, poor husband. Yes, we've been married for nearly 5 years now and he's well and truly out.
I've been praying for my husband's mother who's been in for over 30 years (and now thinks that I'm an agent of Satan). I lurk here to keep up-to-date on what the borg is telling her, find out about great campaigns like Bill's and love to read the stories of JW's who are escaping the WT. I don't often post, as Christians usually seem to receive a cool response.