You might find the following useful - especially the part about the NWT.
In terms of deliberate distortion and divergence from mainstream Christianity, you will see that there is a pattern. Scriptures that relate to the deity of Christ and the work of the holy spirit, in particular, have been rendered in such a way that they support the org's continued power over their members.
E.g. Christ could not die for everyone's sins (he was only a man not God and so could only die to cover a man's, Adam's, sins) so you have to work for your own salvation.
E.g. the holy spirit is just an 'active force' rather than the power of God and the way in which God dwells in believers.
Upshot - you have to do all the good works we suggest (meetings, door-to-door) in the hope that you can earn your way into paradise, and you can't understand the Bible without us.
Contrast with mainstream Christianity - Christ died for everyone's sins so that those who trust in him can know they are saved and don't have to work for salvation, the holy spirit 'will teach us all things' and help us to grow as Christians and the result will be good works - so no-one needs an org to set standards, rules, translate the bible etc.
WTS - do everything we tell you all your life and you might be saved.
Mainstream Christianity - Christ's perfect standards are unattainable so we can never get there this side of heaven, Christians are to meet to encourage and support each other in their journey.
As well as deliberate mis-translation (sometimes in accordance with the view held by a minority of 'scholars'), texts are taken out of context or mis-interpreted, generally to create a fear of Satan/outsiders/people who have left the sect/dying at Armageddon - i.e. create phobias. At the same time, the WT proclaims itself and its members as the only true Christians - hence the arrogant, self-righteous attitute of many JWs. This is all supported by jargon and buzzwords that only JW's understand.
Thesis have already been written about some of these topics. Like the rest of us, you'll just need to spend plenty of time online, reading and digesting.
BTW, their may be differing opinions about minor points within mainstream Christianity - but the churches are in agreement about the important points: deity of Christ, work of the holy spirit, resurrection, etc. People shouldn't be thrown out for having their own opinions, as they are with the WTS.
Good luck. Would be interested in seeing the finished work if you decide to go ahead.