Not much different than being a sister. Hey, IT IS LIKE BEING A SISTER!!
What kind of penalty is that?
brown said that anyone found guilty of molestation by a church judicial committee is removed from all positions of responsibility and cannot evangelize door-to-door without being accompanied by a fellow jehovah's witness.
i was just reading another thread and started thinking.
and i am not happy at all about where this thinking took me.
Not much different than being a sister. Hey, IT IS LIKE BEING A SISTER!!
What kind of penalty is that?
my mamma always told me it is better to thought of a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
here we are in the serverroom all is well- win2000 is running fine-- so what are the 6 of us doing --we are looking at the words of the wt spokesman.. .
i asked the guys and gals to read the comment above and what they thought about it.. .
If he would answer questions like a real man, instead of videotaping himself
reading a lawyer-edited, governing body approved statement, I think he should answer this
Are you taking every possible case and turning it over to the authorities to sort out?
What are you scared of? Why would that be so hard? What and who are you trying
to protect?
JR BROWN is a fool, a watchtower puppet fool.
last night i called to do the "check-in" thing on my mom.
she had just been to the assembly and she was all fired up and decided to give me an earful.
apparently, at the assembly all in attendance were told that "this is it" the end is nigh and they should do all they can to prepare for the impending destruction about to befall everyone.
Gawd, this is my mother too. She listens to me rant and rave about how wrong and mixed up they are and then, with tears streaming down her face she says, "I put up with it now, because I know that in 200 years, none of this will matter"
At least she's got that right. Sigh. How do you answer that logic?
hey make sure you catch david letterman again tonight in his monologue referng to jw's he said something like: "apparently, what they do is they grope you, then hand you a pamphlet" according to a friend that just watched it he made 2 comments about the jw's did any one else see it and if so what did he say?.
The audience laughed and clapped quite a bit on this joke. In fact, he ended
the monologue with this and went straight to his music. HeHeHe, I bet
the Witnesses were squirming on this one. HAHA Get em Letterman!!
the fight for what is right.
as i reviewed the events of last year, it brought me to the simple comment above.
the thirty first of december will mark my one-year anniversary of no longer serving as an elder.
Dear Mr. Bowen-
I finally found out why you were not (and probably will not) be disfellowshipped.
The locals in your area were upset that no action was taken against you, namely a
So they asked headquarters (bethel) and the reply they got was: "he is entitled to
his opinion"
That's the reason given to the rank and file.
Best wishes and God bless you.
schick watchtower kult bastards!
sick fanatic islamiks!.
look here comes some diaper-headed fanatics (diapers full of doo-doo, so shitheads!
Hi all-
Just curious what publication that JW illustration is from.
It really turns my stomach.
well here it is folks the response to my wife's letter.
i guess i have become more evil between letters.
once again any ideas as to how to answer this type of logic?
Logic doesn't really work on this type of reasoning does it?
I would make two points:
#1 Jehovah God does not need any human to vindicate his name or clear his name. He is perfectly capable of that on his own.
Whatever "reproach" we see, it comes from earthly sinful humans, not God.
He never held back from punishing his "earthly organization" of Israel when
they deserved it. He didn't care what the other nations thought of him.
He even let the "pagan" nations wipe them out occasionally.
It wasn't beneath him to use other nations to fix a problem.
#2 In Jesus brief time on earth, he never held back from criticizing God's
"earthly organization" at that time. He had an anger that was justified.
When he saw evil and misdeeds amoung the Jewish leaders, he denounced it
for what it was. He didn't have a meek "let's wait for God to fix this" attitude.
Just my 2cents.
put your torches down, it's just a play on words!.
a post over on h20 got me looking at the different translations of this verse.
This is another example of the convoluted way F. Franz translated his Bible.
Memorial Tomb instead of grave, Holy Ones instead of Saints, Torture Stake instead of Stake, etc…
What is even more ridiculous is the interpretation we give this account.
What it so plainly says, that these holy ones were "raised up" and entered into the city and appeared to many - it means just that. They came to life, resurrected. Note it was just the holy ones, and they came into the city.
We twist and mangle this account with a ludicrous explanation by saying that their dead bodies were flung out of their tombs, and then these bodies proceeded to roll down the hill into the city where they were noticed. They don’t really explain why it was just the ‘holy ones’ that happened to fall out. Luck I guess. Oh wait, shouldn’t say luck. Fortuitous.
Very fortuitous.
Edited by - sunflowers30 on 22 February 2001 10:9:13
below is a questions from readers published in the feb 1, 1952 watchtower.. questions from readers.
<g<o>g> if the watchtower society is free from racial prejudice, why does it tolerate segregation at its assemblies in certain sections of country?
is this not a course of compromise?-f. c., wisconsin.. why do we tolerate the segregation laws and policies of certain governments and organizations of this world?
Below is a Questions from Readers published in the Feb 1, 1952 Watchtower.
Questions from Readers
<G<ó>G> If the Watchtower Society is free from racial prejudice, why does it tolerate segregation at its assemblies in certain sections of country? Is this not a course of compromise?-F. C., Wisconsin.
Why do we tolerate the segregation laws and policies of certain governments and organizations of this world? Because Jehovah has not commissioned us to convert the world, which is wicked beyond recovery and hence will be destroyed. Jehovah has commissioned us to preach the gospel. Now what should we do? Drop preaching to fight racial issues? We never have separate meetings and baptisms when we can have them together. But when impossible, shall we have separate meetings and baptisms, or none at all? Shall we serve spiritual food to all, even if separately, or serve it to none? Shall we provide baptism for all, even if separately, or provide it for none?
Should we buck Caesar's segregation laws, when they do not force us to violate God's laws? God does not forbid separate assembly and baptism, and he commands assembly and baptism. (Matt. 28:19; Heb. 10:25)
So should we disobey God to fight a racial issue? To buck the segregation laws would bring on disruption of the witness work, halting of it, mob violence, and possible loss of life. Only laws prohibiting gospel-preaching will we buck at that price.
Some may argue segregation is prohibited by God, citing Galatians 3:28 (NW): "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in union with Christ Jesus." That Paul spoke in a spiritual sense and not in a literal, physical sense is obvious, since actually there were male and female, slave and free, Jew and Greek. Because of the existence of Jew and Greek he specially accommodated himself and his preaching to such classes. (1 Cor. 9:19-22) His recognition of slave and freeman we will consider in more detail, since it bears directly on segregation. How so? Because segregation is rooted in slavery, is the outgrowth and hangover of slavery. Segregation, the stain left by slavery, is a lesser evil than slavery. So if the Bible does not instruct Christians to fight slavery it would not sanction them to battle the lesser evil of segregation, at the expense of gospel-preaching.
Even within the Christian congregation Paul did not protest the slavery of his time. Onesimus was Philemon's slave, and both were Christians. (Philem. 10-16) Paul wrote Timothy, who pictured the society of witnesses today: "Let as many as are slaves under a yoke keep on considering their owners worthy of full honor." Why? "That the name of God and the teaching may never be spoken of injuriously." Kingdom preaching and Jehovah's vindication are the issues to keep foremost, not creature equality and racial issues. "Moreover, let those having believing owners not look down on them, because they are brothers. On the contrary, let them the more readily be slaves, because those receiving the benefit of their good service are believers and beloved." (1 Tim. 6:1, 2, NW) Here again note that the slavery of those times existed even within the Christian congregation.
Paul also wrote: "In whatever state each one was called, let him remain in it. Were you called a slave? Do not let it worry you; but if you can also become free, rather seize the opportunity." If Paul could say this regarding slavery, how much more so can it be said to those discriminated against by segregation laws: "Do not let it worry you." It is no cause for Christian concern or anxiety. But if the Lord's people are in locations where they are free of segregation laws or policies, they rejoice in the greater freedom and delight to be together in assembly. All are slaves of Christ, as Paul goes on to show: "Anyone in the Lord that was called a slave is the Lord's freedman: likewise he that was called a free man is a slave of Christ." (1 Cor. 7:20-24, NW) Surprisingly, some colored brothers have strenuously objected to this, protesting as offensive the use of the word "slave" in the New World Translation. Any who do not wish to be Christ's slave, whether white or black, can cease such service at any time; but they will be slaves nonetheless, only slaves of Satan and sin. (Rom. 6:16-23, NW) Those who magnify human importance soon hide from their view the really vital issues.
Jehovah is no respecter of persons. Neither are his people. But the world in which we live is. Whites are prejudiced against colored, colored are prejudiced against whites. In some colored communities after nightfall a white person would enter at the risk of his very life. To justify this on the grounds that the whites started the discrimination is not Scriptural. (Rom. 12:17) Now, where the danger is extreme should white persons enter these hostile communities and suffer beating and possibly death to prove they have a democratic right to be there? Should a white witness endanger his life to attend a meeting of colored witnesses in such places, or stay overnight with his colored brothers there, just to prove his democratic right to do so?
Many colored persons practice color-prejudice against their own people. Lighter-colored Negroes will shun the darker ones. Some from the Western Hemisphere look down upon the very dark ones from Africa. In South Africa, whites discriminate against the mixed coloreds, the mixed coloreds against the native blacks, the native blacks against the Indian coolies, and in their native India the Indians discriminate against the no caste or outcasts. Who is innocent to throw the first stone? Can we not see that all classes of the human race are evil, that if we start reforming we shall be lost in an impossible task, with endless discriminations and many varieties or injustices to beat down, which crusading social and political organizations of this world have hopelessly fought for years? For us to become like them would be to fail with them, consume our time in such reforms, lose out as Jehovah's witnesses, and please only the Devil.
So let us please God by preaching the gospel despite the undesirable conditions the Devil's world may make for us. Let us not be sidetracked by Satan and caught in a subtle snare camouflaged in lofty motives and ideals. Can we not wait upon Jehovah to avenge the wrongs we suffer now? Really, our colored brothers have great cause for rejoicing. Their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase. What if the worldly wise and powerful and noble look down on them as foolish and weak and ignoble, not on an equality with self-exalted whites? It is to God's ultimate honor, for he confounds the wise of this world by choosing those the world considers foolish and weak and ignoble. Let us boast in Jehovah and in our equality in his sight, rather than wanting to boast in equality in the world's sight. (1 Cor. 1:26-31, NW) In due time the exalted ones will be humbled, and the humble ones will be exalted. (Matt. 23:12) All of us await this vindication from God, which will come in his due time. Until then, as Paul advised concerning slavery we advise concerning its lingering trace, segregation: "Do not let it worry you." (1 Cor. 7:21, NW) When possible we will meet together, when not possible we will meet separately; but in either event we are always united in spirit, brothers equal in our own sight, in Christ's sight, and in God's sight.
This is so shameful. This is the enlightened food that Witnesses were provided in
the 1950's.
The "society" refused to do the right thing. It was more important to follow "Caesar's Law"
Now we have the Child Abuse Reporting Procedures. "Don't report it unless you have to" "Remember we have to follow Caesar's Law"
"Oh, you say you have problem with that? Don't worry about it, God will take care of it in his own time."
Their thinking is so messed up. They only "buck laws" that interrupt the ever sacred preaching work.
It is so plain that the WT has no heart and we can't count on them to do the right thing.
Edited by - sunflowers30 on 17 February 2001 13:47:6
i have a little theory buzzing around in the back of my mind.
it was triggered by trevors comments re the low self esteem that is endured by many jw youngsters.. i`m wondering if the singing of kingdom songs can actually make you feel depressed and worthless.
i know it might seem a strange idea at first, but see if my reasoning doesn`t make at least some sense.. i frequently see the tv ad for linguaphone, the language learning course, that uses your repetition of foreign language phrases spoken along with a cassette recording.
I really think that you are on to something. Singing those words over and over
does have an impact on a person.
Here's just a few phrases that caught my eye:
Song #2 Obeying God Rather than Men
...the unbelievers think we're odd, but this we do not mind.
Song #9 Jehovah's blessing Makes Rich
...though persecution and hatred abound, and of these we bear the brunt,...
Song #53 Theocracy's Increase
Wondrous expansion is now taking place. . . Tell all such men Armageddon is nigh.
Song #54 We must be Holy
. ..As a cleansed people, humble and lowly, by all observers may we thus be seen.
#67 Store up treasures in heaven
..use our time and riches and our strength to feed the "poor" Giving "hungry" ones the good news...thereby storing up in heaven treasures..
***note their use of italics,,, we don't feed the poor, we feed the "poor" **
#82 The women are a large army (who wrote this stuff?)
...for much they accomplish in preaching, the menfolk with pride justly say.
#111 The Light gets Brighter (this whole song is terrible- )
...true understanding he is now unfolding...
#122 Conducting ourselves as Lesser Ones
...How we should keep self out of sight and love be emphasizing.
#128 Do More-As the nazirites did (again, I think this whole song is awful)
...their lifestyle was simple, self denial was their role...could we too have such a goal. Nazirites they truly were diff'rent....
#157 Worship Jehovah during youth
...but to be popular never do toil, for bad companions good habits will spoil.
#177 What sort of persons ought we to be?
...a spectacle we've come to be, that all men may know.
#199 The Scene of the World is Changing
Our foes like dogs keep on snapping. Our strength they want to keep sapping, but hands with joy we are clapping. (my pick for worst rhyme)
Edited by - sunflowers30 on 15 February 2001 20:57:35