Zid, "
But mentally they're still back in the 1950's.... |
They still don't know how many JWs suffer from depression, one shepherding call with a very depressed sister.
Brother (Pseudo Shrink) told this sister who was suffering badly with her high point of hypomania "Just think about something else, don't think about the bad things in your life! Read the Bible and pray more, brother told others he was a self-made shrink! She told me later she had sat by some cliffs after our visit thinking about driving off the cliffs into a lake. Brother Shrink was so proud of his advice, he jokes saying "I should send her a bill, how much do shrinks make, "$300-$500 a hour depending on how good and rich your client base is!" That would work!
Back to hypomania's high points, it's when the brain goes into a repetitive thought mode, the person experiencing this eurphoric state just craves someone to talk to, even if this means "hooking up with a stranger at a bar for sex, it's not the sex they desire, it's the companionship to sit back and talk all night with anyone, just to get their thoughts into the air. Silence drives suffers crazy, they need their medications and a listening ear (counseling, a good friend who can sit back and listen for hours of weird thoughts)