{{{{{Thunder}}}}! That was soooo sweet! I loved being with my gram and gramp too! In fact, that was where I saw LW too. Thank God my parents didn't watch him!
{{{{{Thunder}}}}! That was soooo sweet! I loved being with my gram and gramp too! In fact, that was where I saw LW too. Thank God my parents didn't watch him!
LOL! And, since we have so many English friends present, let's talk about their diet! My livein and I were talking just last night about if we went to England, what would we live on? Beef Wellington? Fish and Chips? Yorkshire Pudding? I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE carbohydrates, but................................. just teasing...........actually, my boyfriend is proud of his English heritage.......he's a Winslow. I'm French and Native American, with a bit of English stirred in............Crowe, so we have some hot times.........maybe we'll start another war!?
i think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
Stephanus, IMO, Minimus was trying, as a longer time member on this board to tell us newbies that it was okay to put it out there, and that we all should play nice together.........that's how I took it...........am I wrong, group? I like Minimus' topics, he gets me thinking!
i think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
A vicious attack from a poster I like, however, would take a lot longer to get over.
Yes, that is a very very valid point. It has never been part of my personality to try to bully or be purposely hurtful to someone. Hell, I was never a pushy Witness! And, that has happened here. When you post something, then the other person posts, and at the end of their post they close with "ouch", to me that is deliberately trying to hurt the other. It is premeditated. I may be wrong here, but does anyone feel that is okay to do? I like the quote disagree without being disagreeable........that goes along with the thought of being assertive, not aggressive.
Wow! We all went flying back in time about 40 years didnt we????? LOL! I, too, was a member of that generation! Remember Flipper? And Gentle Ben? And, there were only about three channels back then, and you only had either that aluminum aerial on top of the house, or you had the rabbit ears on the set! LOL! And, if the president had something to say to the USA, then there was such a hue and cry in every household! How about the yearly serving of The Wizard of Oz, and being so scared when that Wicked Witch tried to set the Scarecrow on fire????? Or what about staying up late on a weekend to watch Frankenstein........or The Wolf Man???????? Sunday night was bath night in our house. I remember mom yelling out the door: "Teeeerrrrriiiiiii..........Annnniiieeeee, time to come in!" That was back when kids actually played outside with one another in the neighborhood, instead of sitting in front of a TV or computer playing Nintendo games..............I remember one time, my dad took the trunk lid off to do repairs and he leaned it against the side of the house and it became a space ship for all of us to take turns flying in............and the Flexible Flyer during winter, with the Eagle laminated on the boards.........it made the sled go alot faster, didn't it????????? Don't you all laugh too hard now, I've got one memory that is sooo funny.......my sister and I had watched the WWofD and it was the one about the Tiki House and the Birds who all sang..........."Let's all sing like the birdies do...tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet".......well, my sister and I decided to sort of improvise the song a bit.......so, we're sitting on the swing attached to the big oak tree near the house and were singing that song at the top of our lungs, only instead of tweet, we're saying "twat!" LOL! Totally innocently! Couldn't understand why our parents suddenly appeared on the porch and bum rushed us both into the house! And, speaking of Geritol, I had mono when I was 17, and got the bright idea of buying myself a bottle of Geritol to "build myself back up with". I bought a HUGE bottle, and ended up throwing it out after ONE helping! Someone told me to mix it with OJ and it would taste okay, EWWWW!!!! BLECH!!! It didn't help a bit.
what an audacious question!
" wow, bradley -- how could you stoop to such levels?
do you consider most people as simple sleepwalkers through life not paying much attention to reason, logic, science, history and a desire to understand?
I went out with a South African girl who could be mistaken for a plain-looking sister of yours... I thought that with your last Avatar piccy and this one's more so.
Abaddon, wtf is that supposed to mean? Sorry, bro, but I'm getting a little edgy about your "condescension"...................whether you realize it or not? This is a very consdenscentious attitude towards Stacy.................
i presume they say it was done after the global flood because mud and such-like would have obliterated(sp?
) them
Yes, Green One, it certainly would solve ALOT of problems!
P.S. Let me guess, your favorite word wouldn't be "bastard" would it? LOL!
december 2003 our kingdom ministry for the usa
"provisions to help us abstain from blood"
"baptized publishers who have previously completed an advance medical directive/release card or identity card with no print date or a 3/99 print date will not need to complete a new one this year.
Similarly, blood that flows into a wound may be captured and filtered so that the red cells can be returned to the patient; this is called cell salvage.
Sharing personal experience here re above: my ex husband had open heart surgery. Imagine my surprise and horror when I (a good, brainwashed, obedient JW then) walked into his room and saw a bag of blood hanging above his head! A brother was with me, and immediately left the room and called the Liaison Committe who reassured us that it was within allowable paramaters. Can anyone tell me what the difference between that and storing your own blood or accepting whole blood, etc. is? I just don't get it.............guess that's why I left 4 years later, I couldn't swallow or practice the schizophrenia necessary anymore.
december 2003 our kingdom ministry for the usa
"provisions to help us abstain from blood"
"baptized publishers who have previously completed an advance medical directive/release card or identity card with no print date or a 3/99 print date will not need to complete a new one this year.
Rather than deciding solely on the basis of personal preference or some medical recommendation, each Christian ought to consider seriously what the Bible says. It is a matter between him and Jehovah.
If they only stopped there, everything would be sooooo simple........................
All I can say in consideration is "there are none so blind as he who will not see"
december 2003 our kingdom ministry for the usa
"provisions to help us abstain from blood"
"baptized publishers who have previously completed an advance medical directive/release card or identity card with no print date or a 3/99 print date will not need to complete a new one this year.
Just2, thank you so very much! I have indeed made copies!