Hello, all you fellow "Apostates"! I'm wondering if there is anyone in CT, around the Middletown/New Britain area on this board...................................
Hollah back!
hello, all you fellow "apostates"!
i'm wondering if there is anyone in ct, around the middletown/new britain area on this board.................................... .
hollah back!.
Hello, all you fellow "Apostates"! I'm wondering if there is anyone in CT, around the Middletown/New Britain area on this board...................................
Hollah back!
now, please remember, jw my entire life.
therefore, many prejudiced and warped ideas.. the deal is that a very nice co-worker invited me to a 'christmas play' at her baptist church and i accepted.
the play is tonight, and i have all these messed-up ideas that perhaps it's wrong to step foot into another church; or that perhaps since i've been taught all my life that demons reside in the false religion churches that i'll be bothered by these demons if i attend this event tonight.. please, help me win over these live-long thoughts.
DY, go, as many have said, you need to prove to yourself that the "demons" will not bother you! Tell ya something about me..............I collect tarot cards and do readings from time to time, still haven't had any negative experiences............in fact people who visit my home "love it's cozy feeling".............hmmm maybe they are all demonized too..............NOT!
Hi FHN!!!
last evening i recieved an e-mail from my aunt who is not a jw, and she told me that my mom was taken to the hospital with a serious bowel obstruction.
my aunt knowing our family sitution felt it would be a good time to see what your mom would do.
so i called my sister who lives not to far from me.
Gretchen, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say you were Wiccan? I belong to an earth based spirituality also. I collect Tarot cards and other esoteric tools and literature. Just recently I sent some of my books to my mom, who asked me to. Now, mind you, I explained exactly what I was sending before I sent it.......well, the package got delivered and when she opened it, she let the loudest scream out to my aunt (not a Witless) and my sister (a staunch Witless) about me being DEMONIZED!!! To make a long story short, I had a long talk with my sister, and at the end I asked her to send me pictures of my nephews, and she wouldn't. I guess she thought maybe I'd put a voodoo spell on them with their images! LOL!Boy, they sure give us power don't they? Maybe we could use that to our advantage.................(chuckles sinisterly)
last evening i recieved an e-mail from my aunt who is not a jw, and she told me that my mom was taken to the hospital with a serious bowel obstruction.
my aunt knowing our family sitution felt it would be a good time to see what your mom would do.
so i called my sister who lives not to far from me.
OFC, I am sooo sad for you. I had to respond after I read this because your story is very much like mine.......my mom is in the truth my sister is too. The only difference is that my sister asked the elders back when I was DF'd and apparently they told her that if your mother is ill, since you and your sis share the care and responsibility of taking care of her, then you can speak with her regarding your mom. My aunt is also not in the truth, neither are the rest of my family. My livein is not a witness either, never has been. Altho he is a born again, and considers himself a Christian, he, too, can't understand the whole shunning thing. His reasoning is like your aunt's. So, his family have adopted me. They love me and I love them. I have been blessed. But, my heart does ache, that my own blood and old friends of many years (25) won't speak to me................I've been out since 1999. It's been tough, but, it is getting better as time goes on...............I am proudest of me, since I am now walking my own path and living my own truths.
and and even ...........all mixed in together like a smoothie! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Razor, perhaps elements within the shows make you think of simpler, more uncomplicated times.........?
i think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
Minimus, I think I believe as you do, and you worded it perfectly! And, again, everyone, I'm still rather new here, I went for many months with only posting one or two comments. I haven't really reached out to get to know everyone, but, again, I am really becoming more involved at this point. I;m enjoying everyone's comments, and repartee.
i think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
Okay, well, I just re-read Minimus' title for this whole post.......... and I guess I misunderstood it. I'm the one who got it wrong...........my bad..............I went into the post thinking discussion, forgetting the critically express part of his title............
Terri Main Entry: crit·i·cism
Pronunciation: 'kri-t&-"si-z&m
Function: noun
Date: 1607
1 a : the act of criticizing usually unfavorably b : a critical observation or remark Main Entry: crit·i·cize
Pronunciation: 'kri-t&-"sIz
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -cized; -ciz·ing
Date: 1649
intransitive senses
: to act as a critic
transitive senses
1 : to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly : EVALUATE
2 : to find fault with : point out the faults of
- crit·i·ciz·able /-"sI-z&-b&l/ adjective
- crit·i·ciz·er noun
synonyms CRITICIZE, REPREHEND, CENSURE, REPROBATE, CONDEMN, DENOUNCE mean to find fault with openly. CRITICIZE implies finding fault especially with methods or policies or intentions <criticized the police for using violence>. REPREHEND implies both criticism and severe rebuking <reprehends the self-centeredness of today's students>. CENSURE carries a strong suggestion of authority and of reprimanding <a Senator formally censured by his peers>. REPROBATE implies strong disapproval or firm refusal to sanction <reprobated his son's unconventional lifestyle>. CONDEMN usually suggests an unqualified and final unfavorable judgment <condemned the government's racial policies>. DENOUNCE adds to CONDEMN the implication of a public declaration <a pastoral letter denouncing abortion>.
i think some might get the impression that it's not right to express anything critical of this board.
some may feel that if a poster wants to express an opinion that is not in syc with the majority, they should not speak of it.if someone feels they have a valid criticism, i do think it is "healthy" to be able to express that opinion.
i am not referring to persons that seem to always complain about everything but i'm thinking of our not stifling a person.
LW, disagreeing without being disagreeable, to me, is that you wouldn't personally "attack" the other person..........do you think someone who posts a comment, then puts "ouch" at the end is not personally attacking? I do. Deliberately adding an inflammatory, personal comment would be................hmmmm, there was a thread a couple of days back that LR posted where he used the term "stupid beliefs". Alot of people jumped on him because he was calling their beliefs stupid. That is a deliberately personal attack. And, as clarification, Minimus was the one who first said "disagree without being disagreeable" in his first post. I was just agreeing. I'd be interested in what his "formula" is, also, although from reading his posts I can get a clear picture. Mine is above. Although I don't inhabit many discussion boards, I have been on enough to see how information and opinions can be shared without setting someone off by being deliberately cruel.....................