Topics Started by gda
Press conference regarding newest molestation case.
by truthseekeriam in
saw this on another forum and wasn't sure if anyone shared it here.. .
A Wonderful alternative to the usual anti-JW snark
by Terry inwow, i just discovered this.. out of the sea of ex-jw videos on youtube this wonderful vid came to my notice.. she uses humor, parody, and actual wt quotations to make her points far better.
than most of these anti-watchtower diatribes, imho.. check her out:.
WT application of James 1:27 - looking after widows and orphans
by EndofMysteries insince the bible is clear on helping widows and orphans, needy, poor, etc, it's interesting to see how the wt twists these scriptures to make their followers feel they are following it when they really aren't.
because it costs money to really help those and the wt wants the money themselves.. here are some wt quotes directly on fulfilling this obligation of james 1:27 -.
help elderly get to the meetings -.
Giant ship vs Noah's Ark
by Simon intake a look at this giant ship that's been built and imagine if would still be large enough to house all the animals on the planet for an extended period of time.. the ship, with modern materials and tools, would take a single person nearly 8,000 years to complete.
how many more people designed it and supplied the materials?
imagine how many trees would be required and how long it would take to transport them alone.. still think noah's ark is feasible?.
"Tight Pants" by Mentally Diseased - a tribute to Anthony Morris III
by jwleaks intoo tight pants by mentally diseased.
(with thanks to baggy trousers by madness).
too tight pants in kingdom halls.
Circuit Overseer says the Theocretic Ministry School may become a thing of the past
by Brother Mike inmy congregation was in charge of host week where the d.o.
spend the week with a congregation the week before an assembly.
didn't show up because he was "sick" so the c.o.
new member- my story
by AndDontCallMeShirley in"that which can be asserted without evidence, can.
be dismissed without evidence.
" - christopher hitchens.
How many of you followed the WTS direction on education years ago and have been screwed by it?
by Julia Orwell ini'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
Was There Ever A Poster Here That Realy Was a Watchtower Spy?
by minimus insince some believe that watctower regularly observes this site,did you ever know of a watchtower double agent here?.
DC 2010 Release - The Origin of Life and its many misquotes
by Designer Stubble ini have just started working my way through the new publication the origin of life 5 questions worth asking.
it is completely appalling.
it is at the very most six grade level and just the first references i verified (which most dubs dont do) have been taken out of context, are completely misquoted or in the example of using the encyclopedia britannica a dated version is used rather than the most recent one, to align with what they want to write, rather than aligned with the newest research.. .