Thanks so much for this update! I am trying VERY VERY HARD not to dance with an exuberant JOY at the impending ruination of my enemy...."Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles do not let your heart rejoice" Prov 24:17.....For the moment I am only allowing my toe to tap, LOL!
JoinedPosts by Sunspot
The Very Latest Candace Conti vs. The Watchtower News
by God_Delusion inwe all saw this coming -
"This (very appropriately) fell into my lap a few moments ago from someone on Facebook.....and I just HAD to share it here:
"Grace is the love that seeks you out even when you have nothing to give in return. Grace is being loved when you are or feel you are unlovable. Grace has the power to turn despair into hope. Grace listens, lifts up, cures, transforms and heals."..........Lindsey Holcomb
An emphatic YES!
Wasting 30 long years (1969-1999) ......raising six children with rigid cult beliefs and offering them a hellish childhood.....will sit sadly inside me for the rest of my life. Who knows what ANY of us would have accomplished if we had the freedom to pursue OUR dreams and not the wishes of those frauds and charlatans pretending to speak for God. Sad as knowing that I CHOSE this path and was not brought up in fact, my parents warned me that if I became "one of those JWs" that they would disown me. This is exactly what they did....they never spoke to me or allowed me in their home ever again after I got baptized.
This began a downward spiral of unveiled hatred and decades of dysfunction of my whole family. Only ONE of my children (now in their 40's and 50's) still worship at the feet of the GB and the other 5 have NO religions or faiths that they find any comfort in. The WTS has totally wrecked their spirituality and I feel awful about that too.....but I guess I should expect nothing less from a "religion" that touts ITSELF and IT'S ever-changing beliefs..... while leaving the true and meaningful teachings of the Creator and His a muddled mess.
I am SO sorry that I let JWs into my home in 1969 and accepted that hideous cult indoctrination program they were offering.
Message from Oompa's Family re Obit and Memorial!!!
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
i received the following via email from a family member just a moment or so ago (bold is mine, fyi).
again, peace to you all!.
My very deepest condolences go out to Eric's family and his loving friends. We feel sorrow because of the circumstances....but we know that at last he has found the peace that eluded him in his trials. I truly look forward to....and long for the day that all mankind will be joined in peace and harmony.....who will sincerely love and care for one another from the heart.....and care for the resored earth we will all share as our home.
My dear sweet Mouthy.....I can assure you that your love and friendship have been a huge blessing to me, as you have helped me out spiritually, emotionally and at one time, financially.....(so that I could attend the WNFJ Convention in the mountains of PA a number of years ago ). Unfortunately, illness has prevented me from being able to travel more than an hour or so away from home, but that convention was one of the highlights of my life....and you sat by my side the entire time.
I too forget things now at age it seems to be part of aging used to bother me when others would "remind" me of things I had totally forgotten and had NO recollection of ever occurring....but it is just the way it is. I don't fret over it any more.
I have two offspring (out of the six I raised) that have chosen to devote themselves to loyalty to the WTS ......and they have totally shut me out of their lives when I decided to not attend meetings after the Memorial of 1998. Hubby and I have welcomed a great-grandchild from one of the "speaking to us" children. She will be 2 this things have a way of evening out.
It still hurts terribly to lose the love of children because of cult teachings and lies they believe....but my life has taken a whole new and delightful turn for the better now I pursue my new spiritual path guided by love for God and for all others no matter what building they might worship in....recalling as Jesus explained in the bible....what the Two Laws HE preached and focused on, actually hinged upon what mankind needed to embrace more fully.
Have a lovely evening my friend....
My sweet Grace!
Hello, my dear one! You have been on my mind so much in the last few days and I just had to pop in here to see how you've been. I am SO far behind in email and correspondence with others that I truly care about. You have always been very precious to me. I am sorry to hear of your ailments and hope they can find a way to ease your discomfort.
I have had a very bad year myself (healthwise) and seeing a doctor once a month to try and keep this body in better condition. The Creator has blessed me with a new set of quite wonderful and very caring friends since He pulled me out of the WTS cult (can you believe it has been 13 years ago this month that I sent in my letter of DA to the WTS cult leaders?) and the peace and contentment I have found brings tears of joy to my eyes.
I have a whole new appreciation and love for our Creator that grows each day.... so that I don't have the "need" to keep harping about the spiritually dangerous WTS teachings all the time as I used to. I'd rather spend time in praise and focusing on "good things" rather than to keep working myself up into living in a state of hatred as I was used to being in. It's not that I don't still have a deep feeling of total loathing and disgust for everything Watchtower.....but dwelling on it only brings me down. It has been so much better for me in so many ways, not to be carrying that hard knot of burning hatred in my heart any longer.
May our loving and most generous God continue to bless you and use you to be a comfort and a help to others. Know that I love you and remember all that you have done for me as a true friend. Take care good lady,
with love, hugs and blessings,
Just checking in. I moved to Sedona AZ. sight unseen two months ago.....
by Was New Boy inhaven't been on the board for awile....i just want to let you all know you have a friend here in sedona.
my home is open to friends who would like to vist.
sedona gets over 4 million vistors a year....a few more would be welcome.. peace out.
8/15/12 WT--Naughty Elder's Wife Teaches Students "The Deep Things of God"
by sd-7 inpage 28, paragraph 13:.
"an improper romantic relationship could develop within the congregation.
daniel and his wife, sarah, were regular pioneers.
Using common and God-given sense....we realize that everything "in moderation" and in balance in order to do anything successfully. The problem is that most times we don't realize what the proper balance is until we have messed up....and the damage has been done. The WTS drives their mantra of "do more, DO MORE" to promote WTS pursuits and the poor gullible JWs feel they are gaining Brownie Points with their god....and the GB could not care less what families are being torn to bits.
2012 DC starts today
by obarac infirst 4 dc starts today.. hopefully somone will inform us about new releases.. .
A Ministry of Misery: Mental Illness and the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Bangalore inif his god isn't jehovah he may not be happy.
they know they are not happy.
they teach the only ones who are truly happy are those within the organization.
Excellent opening post! I had to laugh at the "wire-rimmed glasses" because this view had affected me as well.
As far as I can see this (as one who WAS a JW for 30 years) is a waste of a god-given and bible-trained conscience to ALLOW men who don't even know make so many personal decisions, big and small, in their lives and then boast about how "unified" they are.
The most pitiful aspect is that JWs don't even realize what brain-numbed drones they have become...and what they show themselves to be every time they open their mouths.