Being aware of how the WTS belittle and demonizes everything that THEY do not believe in, I was a bit skeptical about this practice as well. On an Easter Sunday just after I had begun to attend church, I was up at the altar, kneeling alongsde one other gentleman and the Pastor was praying over him, asking that he be given strength and comfort to face the problem he had been plagued with.
Then as he came to me (six inches away) the Pastor was saying how the congregation was so pleased to have me with them knowing what a battle I had faced with both my health and with pulling out of the WTS. It was at that point he began speaking in the same tone and not overly drawing attention to himself in the least.
It took a moment or two for me to even realize what he was doing...he had just "slid into it"" so easily and comfortably. I thought so THIS is what they were talking about. It was the first time I had seen this done. I did recognize a few of words as being in Hebrew, and he only did this for possibly a minute ....(no, on second thought I don't think it was even THAT long). But there was nothing pretentious or showy at all.
This tiny little church out here in the boondocks has two former JWs and two that had studied and never became baptized, so I am "right at home" on many levels there. The attendance is like a runs about 25 or so on the average!