The schools and day care centers began closing at 10:00 AM and the predicted storm hit here rght on 10:00 AM. It has been snowing and blowing all day. We are on the southeastern end of Lake Ontario. My niece emailed last night and said they (her three kids and hubby) were all holed up at her MIL's preparing for this storm....she lives in western MA.
I have company coming in from Mohawk NY (my grandson and his girlfriend) on Monday for the Christmas holiday and need to get out for milk, bread, meat and things to go into the freezer. I bought all the special "Christmas baking stuff" last week so everything is all set there!
I forgot what poster mentioned being out of bird seed, but OUR birds have cleaned out all three of our feeders in record time....hubby had mentioned early this morning before the snow they had been like a busy flight pattern at a popular airport---birds practically flying into each other, constantly coming and going with beaks full....I'll have to get out on the deck tomorrow morning and set out some apples and peanut butter for them until we can get to the store for another bag of seed.
As much of a pain it is to drive in and walk in, etc,.....I have to admit it sure LOOKS pretty though!