I sure will! Why stop NOW? LOL!
It is on at the moment....but it is (another) recap.....I am logging off now to watch the "new" segment :o)
will you be watching the 5th season finale tonight?
i will, from the dvr, after the kids are asleep.. .
I sure will! Why stop NOW? LOL!
It is on at the moment....but it is (another) recap.....I am logging off now to watch the "new" segment :o)
i had the last in a series of tests and scans today and the verdict is that there are no signs of recurring cancer showing up!
needless to say, the day was very long (as has been this entire week) and i am still quite tired out.....but i am so relieved and so grateful that the healing hand of my precious savior has touched me once again.
he has blessed me.. thank you all for your loving prayers and your good wishes that have been so encouraging to me along the way.
I had the last in a series of tests and scans today and the verdict is that there are NO signs of recurring cancer showing up! Needless to say, the day was very long (as has been this entire week) and I am still quite tired out.....but I am SO relieved and SO grateful that the healing hand of my precious Savior has touched me once again. He HAS blessed me.
Thank you all for your loving prayers and your good wishes that have been so encouraging to me along the way. I am also very blessed with all these wonderful people in my corner as well. Thank you again.
love and hugs,
the truth = yes we are!!
ive said this in the past but really why am i at the door...not to sell vaccum cleaners!
we dont "force" people to change religions.....we just force them to stay in with disfellowshiping......."we don't hate gays".......we are just waiting for them to be burnt to death at armagedon..
As much as that "we are not here to change your religion" made me uncomfortable to say.....I still said it anyway because I was expected to. When a householder said they already were a Christian and that they DID read their bible.....we totally ignored this and still proceeded to try and "place the latest WTS literature" with them. No matter WHAT religious leaning they had....it was WRONG in our eyes (without any question) and they MUST get the WTS message in order for our personal bloodguilt to be assuaged.
How much better and nicer it is to be in a wider Christian brotherhood that does not blatantly look down on or secretly sneer at every other belief system simply because they don't follow some delusional old men in Brooklyn.
i have it on good authority that at the recent circuit assembly it was announced from the platform that there had been reports of groups of families and friends getting together to study on family worship night and that this was not to continue as fwn is for families only and not for other brothers and sisters to get involved in.. oh, and if you live alone, then you have to study on your own, you alone are your family, you are not to join anyone else's fwn (although i'm sure they didn't mean you couldn't join your blood family's fwn....).
the level of control never ceases to amaze me...... .
The longer I am away from this horrid cult, the more obvious it becomes that they are the most self-righteous and most self-aggrandizing group of "esteemed spiritual leaders" I have ever heard or read about. It is appalling what their devoted and loyal followers allow these men to get away with.
I am so sorry that I ever got involved with them, their peculiar teachings and that I supported their ideas and opinions above the teachings of Christ for so many years.
i needed room when i moved so i sadly threw my entire library away.
i mentioned this to an exjw.
he and his wife took all the hundreds of books, including bound volumes from the 1800s and are now using them for research and proof of watchtower lies.. what did you do with your books?.
Unfortunatley....I was SO disgusted and SO disappointed when I discovered what a fraud the WTS was....that I packed up all but a very few things (like the Songbook and the Reasoning book) and sent them all off to the town dump.
I had 30 years of accumulated books, magazines, yearbooks, etc....including the "Insight" books the Concordance and a few other gems I could have referred to in proving what liars the WTS is (and was). I honestly figured I had zero use for this garbage and did not even want it taking up room in my house for another moment....which I now see was a bit hasty. I now have to do online research for the very same books that I tossed out....to be used to show their ludicrous teachings over the years.
looks like a good place to get info and share ideas.. o.k.
my first question:.
i am a christian.
Personally speaking, I could not and would not sit through this rejection of Christ's sacrifice now that I realize just what a totally messed up conglomeration the Watchtower Society is putting over their follower's heads. Even the IDEA that the WTS tries to declare they are Christian.....is more than ludicrous.....and the mockery they make of the communion FOR Christians.....is diabolical and disgusting. I would stay as far away from any Kingdom Hall as possible to show Jesus that I in NO way support them in their lunacy.
startfragment .
is the watch tower a reverse ponzi scheme?.
isn't a ponzi an affinity scam?
One major difference though....is that those duly affected by Madoff's schemes are standing up and loudly complaining over their losses, (and hopefully demanding retribution) whereas the "loyal and obedient" (TM) Watchtower defenders will make excuses for, and continue to defend and support the hideous organization that rips them off spiritually and financially.
i am not going to use any names for this because i don't want to cause potential hurt to anyone.. there was a very nice family in my congregation when i was a teenager.
step-dad, mom, and her 4 kids.
the dad became an elder, had a great business, the mom spent lots of time with the kids.
I had mentioned Puternut in reference to the previous poster that brought his name up. I don't know how to put things in those quotes like I used to.....and my reply did not directly follow his post.....so it looks rather jumbled up. Puternut was a warm, caring and delightful man that knocked himself out to please others.....and ended up taking his own life because of the pain of cruel shunning and coldheartedness of his JW family. I have to believe that there will be a heavy price to pay by this evil cult that has the capability to manipulate it's loyal and obedient (TM) followers into behaving as if they had NO natural affection and as if their very hearts had been turned to stone.
i do.
i'd rather not be around them..
It depends on the personality of the JW I happen to meet up with in a public place. There were a few that I would like to say hello to and others I would not give the time of day. I have not had ONE "call" here in the nearly ten years since I walked away from the WTS. It is one good advantage of living in a small town where everyone knows your business, LOL! I am SURE that any who were not around ten years ago and did not know me....are more than well aware that an evil and dreaded apostate lives here!
it used to be so nice to listen to the orchestras at the circuit and district conventions.
then they ended it and i know i missed it.
we had a couple of youn men in our cong who were in the orchestra.
Outlaw said" Wow!..Back in the day..Every congregation I visited had a piano and a piano player..I was in the Assembly Orchestra..It was fun as a kid.....Now I hear it`s all canned music..The WBT$ has squeezed the creativity out of almost every aspect,of JW participation in anything.."
And along with Lurk3r's comment on the return of funds FOR these dreadful "Kingdom Melodies".....(and Blondie's actual visual WTS proof) we can get a fairly accurate idea of why the live music was done away with. Back in the early 70's, there was an elderly sister that was going into a nursing home and was giving away her furniture, including an expensive and very beautiful organ that she was donating to the Kingdom Hall. (The piano was VERY old and badly needed tuning all the time).
Her offer was turned down because the music from an organ would have been "too worldly" or sounding too much like EVIL Christendom.....so that she gave it to a young sister (an elder's daughter) that was taking piano lessons. We stuck it out with that old broken down piano until the live music was out of the picture. It really shows how stupid the "WTS thinking" IS and how deeply it's nasty little tentacles reach into the hearts of the WTS devotees.