Sorry to hijack the thread smiddy. . . . but I can't help but talk about sport. I know someone who says, 'never trust a man that does not like sport'. . . . wise words.
The point I was trying to make cofty, is that everyone has different tastes, and it is not really possible to define which game is the most skillful, dynamic, exciting, unpredictable and so on. There is off the ball movement in every team sport. There is offside in soccer so it is not exactly 100% open, whereas in aussie rules there are a million people on the field and no offside. ( I don't personally like it all that much)
I know in oz, many of the Aussie rules and rugby league coaches love the NFL for its tactical aspect, and the size and strength of the players. Cricket players appreciate the ability of the baseball players and vice versa.
99% of the world best soccers players wouldnt last one tackle, one play, one pitch, one ball in another sport, but that does not mean anything. It is just that soccers players can't play other( less skillful?) sports perhaps.
And also, the NRL in oz is by far the best rugby competition in the world. Chubby youngsters who lack skills will have to settle for rugby union. . . . or the Australian soccer league