The idealization and revision of the Watchtower Society's history is a major issue that has helped many wake up.
They deliberately mislead and misrepresent their past beliefs and doctrines in order to make themselves look like prophets or an organization that has God's backing.
They cannot hide from this, their worst enemy is the abundance of false prophetic statements and unfilled expectations that they have put into print over the last 100+ yrs. The fact they try to revise their history to create an idealized image that will make themselves more appealing to the public was the game breaker for me when I was learning TTATT.
This should be on the list for sure IMO. All anyone needs to do is compare what they use to believe, to what they now say they use to, and they will prove themselves dishonest liars. No need to argue doctrine or theology, their lies are on record for all to see.