Welcome Suspicious.
Nice to have you here, please stay a while and ask questions as often as you want.
There is a wealth of knowledge on this board, knowledge about the Bible, Religion and Christian theology, as well as science. The folks here a greatly varied in their beliefs and opinions, but for the most part everyone is kind and friendly.
Some have a great sense of humor, some come across as being a bit blunt. Some say they can hear Jesus talk to them, others believe that Jesus never existed. Some believe they are Jesus Christ.
The one thing just about everyone on this site has in common, is that they were once JWs. Learning the truth about this Religion can be one the most uncomfortable experiences in a persons life.
I like you had questions, and was not entirely satisfied with the answers I had. I wasn't convinced on the WTS's interpretation of the Revelation book and even the Daniel book. This got me researching.
Before long I understood 607/1914 was all false information..... and from here it snowballed. The Jehovah's Witnesses are just another religion. This had my mind spinning for months. I lost my appetite for weeks, couldn't sleep properly and my research was consuming every thought I had from the moment I woke until I slept. This was in October last year so this is still all pretty fresh for me.
I was raised in 'the truth', and thought I had all the answers to life's big questions. Instead I now realize just how ignorant I was and still am. I am in the process of fading from the religion. I can't voice anything to friends and family that is against the WTS or I risk being DF'd and shunned for life.
Good luck on your journey. If you are in your early twenties, you have plenty of time to live your life as you want, instead of putting it on old as you serve an American publishing corporation and wait for the "real life" to start in the "New System".
All the best.