Why won't JWs have "civilized" debates with home owners?

by ilikecheese 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ilikecheese

    It seems kind of crazy to go to someone's house touting your religion as truth and then not even defend your own beliefs. Why do JWs stop the chat if someone just tries to calmly reason/debate with them? I'm not talking about crazy preachers who start slamming Bibles and yelling about how they need Jesus or something. Just people who like a little discourse.

    Is it because their faith really isn't that strong? Is it because they really don't care if anyone else converts, since they themselves are already "saved?" Is it just because they're scared or uncomfortable? Or is it because they just want to leave a magazine and get some coffee after some difficult door knocking? Just curious.

  • label licker
    label licker

    We had a call where the mennonite guy brought a list of questions to the door and we went through our bible for each answer. We enjoyed it until we found out it was an elders return visit. The elder told us he only calls on him once a year because the guy has tons of questions. We couldn't figure that one out but then the elder told us there was no need to call on them for they are wicked. They just want to waste our time yet the elder had a bible study that had been studied with four different elders for a total of ten years. We ran into that study and till this day he believes in evolution.

    We wondered if he's so wicked then why does the elder still hold on to this call. We don't try to figure it out. We're glad we're gone and out of this religion.

  • Finally-Free

    For me there were several reasons:

    1. I wasn't capable of defending my faith against someone who knew their bible well.
    2. I didn't want a "bible study".
    3. I "placed" more magazines when I kept my mouth shut.
    4. I didn't want to be out in "service".
    5. I wanted to go to the donut shop.
    6. I was unhappy as a JW, and I didn't want others to be converted and share my misery.


  • ilikecheese

    Thanks for the answers, guys! I think it kind of sucks that all JWs have to go out and talk to people. For anyone who's painfully shy or just not good with thinking on their feet, it must be awful. It would probably be a bit easier if they could street witness.

  • 5go

    Well simply put they have an internal conflict about talking to those that doubt in the first place as sometimes they are trying to fight for something they don't believe in anyways but are forced to fight for them.

    Conspripts go throught the samething when they are forced to fight for something they don't really want they tend to be the most fierce fighters in combat. That is of course when they aren't defecting.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I enjoyed hearing what other people believed but got to the point where my explanation of Jw beliefs sounded hollow in my own ears or felt a little intimidated by the superior knowledge of these ones. Not that you meet that many of them in Australia as we are mostly secular. That and, I wanted to have my coffee.

  • wasblind

    I have yet to get an answer out of a Jehovah's Witness when I can now show them

    that Isaiah 43:10 was quoted before the birth , death , and the resurrection of the christ

    Matthew 17:5 Jehovah acknowlegeds his Son, and says to " Listen to him"

    Matthew 28:18 Jesus states he was given authority in the heavens and on earth

    to be able to tell his disciples in Acts 1:8 to be witnesses of him

    Jehovah's Witnesses are in fact takin' that authority away from the Christ

    when they witness in the name of any other

    Witnesses think that even if they teach folks wrong

    God won't hold this against them

    In the Reasoning book on page 208 they introduce this wrong as a , and I qoute.........." new thought to you "


    The Bible warns about anything different than what is commanded


  • fakesmile

    civillized debates requie intelligence and facts. many witnesses poseszss neither. to half a$$ a great quote..."when proven wrong, an unintelligent person will get angry" ???.

    i have often asked my JW, "what is the point of showing up unannounced to pick a fight about religion with a stranger?" i thik that question has made my JW think real hard. wish me success.

  • jam

    The problem today, Apostates. They are so afraid of

    those dreaded apostates. Today most(home owners) are aware

    of 1975. The minute you mention 1975 their bun cheecks tighten up,

    the radar goes up, Apostate. They are shaking the dust from their shoes

    a lot today.

  • HarryMac

    I used to think it was kind of cowardly of us when going door to door. Solicit people... but leave promptly if they have an opinion on your subject.

    No follow through.

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