Thou laughter bellowed forth from thy mouth as I readeth thy thread.
Posts by 2+2=5
Final Warning Given Unto Mankind, Tribulation Is Near and Soon Cometh.
by OneTrueGod inverily, thus saith the creator of all things of life and light which are good.
behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand; i am in the sun, and the light of the sun and it shall soon darken in the day you perceive not.. .
let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world.
What about your vow to Jehovah?
by a watcher indid you get baptized without being dedicated?.
why did you allow men to come between you and jehovah?.
why were you serving jehovah at all?
Oh dear.....
My Letter to Brooklyn about the Parousia that got me disfellowshipped
by cofty inthis is the letter i wrote back in '96 about the parousia.
following the '95 watchtower that disconnected the "generation" from 1914 i began to look carefully at end-time prophecy and soon discovered what i knew were basic errors in what i had been taught.. i was a loyal jw at the time and was still serving as an elder.
i used only watchtower publications in my research.
Mkvlevari, posting on this forum makes you a hypocrite. Being a WT apologist on this site is not going to get anywhere. It will just confirm in everyone's minds that JW's are delusional, no matter how sincere they may be.
Cofty, your expiernce with your in-laws is incredible. It confirms that it is best to just keep the truth to yourself when awakened, no matter what the friendship or family relation you have with someone. They will turn you in if you display even the slightest bit of dissent to the WT dogma.
Why are they all depicted as white people?
This is exactly what I thought when I first saw it. So the OT Bible characters look Caucasian? They could get a job on the Governing Body!
Now all I see is the baby-alien-turban-face-shoulder-creature.
The two-tiered Christian system. WHY?!
by DATA-DOG inthe wtbts asserts that the great crowd of [ other sheep ] teaching arose as an answer to the confusion of the rank-and-file, correct?
what confusion?
does anyone know any specifics?
There is no reason to believe that Rutherford was even sober at the time of dreaming up this doctrine.
Unless evidence is presented otherwise, I will assume he was heavily under the influence of alcohol. Not fit to drive, let alone think up religious dogmas about heavenly callings and a pet lion paradise earth for others.
They lied to you Jack......
by Tech49 inmy name is jack harper, tech49.
new here, been lurking for many months now.
a brief history:.
Welcome. It is so good to hear of new ones learning TTATT, especially ex-elders.
Anthony Morris The 3rd Talks About Human Hot Dogs At Armageddon, There Will Be No Picnic For Survivors
by frankiespeakin inwatch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Anthony speaks like his arrogance is a virtue and his smugness is endearing. What a despicable fool.
Is Blind Obedience to group of men supported by Scripture?
by nugget ini have been pondering over the demands made by the governing body for absolute loyalty and unquestioning obedience to their interpretation of scripture.
is this a reasonable request and is it in line with scripture?
alternatively is there in fact a scriptural defence for taking personal responsibility for beliefs and having a questioning attitude when being told what is to be believed.. there are ample scriptural warnings about trusting in men psalm 146 v 3 warns us not to put our trust in nobles or earthly men and galatians 1 v 8 goes even further stating that even if an angel were to preach to us something contrary to the teachings of christ it should be ignored.
Excellent post. Simple and to the point. I am going to get some of my non JW family to use this with my JW family.
Another Newbie
by Skinnedsheep ini recently came to the realization that the organization is corrupt and is false.
my story is similar to many i think.
i was raised in the religion, pioneered and served as an elder for a number of years.
Hello and welcome Skinnedsheep.
For me it was 1914/607 that opened the floodgates. This got me researching the Organizations history and it became very clear that "the truth" was a steaming pile of crap. I think researching 1914 is responsible for many waking up.
Many who served as elders, got to see that the holy spirit has little to do with the decisions and direction of this organization.
I don't think the latest new light will be directly responsible for waking up many JWs, although it may add another doubt in the mind of some, which could be enough to get them researching thier beliefs and the history of thier religion. "The Truth" does not hold up very well to scrutiny.
Do you feel guilty?
by new hope and happiness ini have recently been having a feeling of guilt for having escaped the w.t while so many friends and family remain trapped.. has anyone else ever had similar feelings?.
Not guilty, but I feel sorry for the many good people who are victims of this religion. There is not much someone who learns TTATT can do to help others learn, because the WT indoctrination has taught them to quickly reject ideas that contradict or are critical of the WT.
I have older relatives who put off having children back in the 70's because the new system was imminent. It is better to leave them live in the delusion of a "new system", because the reality would be to cruel. They have wasted their life believing in a lie.