Instead of YHWH they like to say 'Jehovah'.
Posts by 2+2=5
Pronouncing things differently so they don't sound rude. Typical CULT persona. Political correctness?
by punkofnice ini noticed over the years how bros & sis(tm) would pronounce words/names differently or totally substitute them so as not to sound offensive.. egs:.
instead of 'bible aids' a bro(tm) said 'bible helps' thus avoiding aids disease!?!.
instead of sodom the bro(tm) pronounced it 'sow dom'.
New Rumor - Watchtower and Awake in one magazine only?
by TJ Curioso inhi folks!.
someone told me that there is a rumor that soon the watchtower and awake's magazines will be only one (fusion).. anybody knows something concrete about that, or is only rumor instead?.
tj curioso.
They use the word "Nested" because "Inserted" sounds too sexual and worldly.
I agree. If they used the word "Inserted", some could refer to the mags as "Penetrated", and then before long, we could have "magazine fornication" causing immoral thoughts in some of the brothers.
Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!
by goatshapeddemon inso, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
I gotta say Snare, I always enjoy reading your posts.
'Human Apostate' letter campaign
by zound in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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Hey zound, I sent you a PM.
Wolf, sheep - or sheepdog?
by Nathan Natas inon sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs - by ltc (ret) dave grossman, author of "on killing.
honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age.
it does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost.
I have a 90 lb barely a year old Rottie pup
That is pretty heavy, considering it is a female and that a Rotty develops it's muscle a fair bit in it's second year. My male was around 115 to 120 pound full grown and he was a strong beast. Great dogs, terrific breed.
Gerrit Loesch was at our DC today!
by goatshapeddemon inso, unexpectedly, the final talk was announced today and to my surprise and evil glee, they announced gerrit loesch as the speaker!
first off, at the beginning of his talk, he interrupted himself in the middle of his sentence to scold the microphone brother to lower my mike it's right in my face.. anyway, it was the talk on inspired truth, vs. inspired falsehoods.
he went through 6 expressions inspired by the demons.
What the hell.
Why would he say that "once a child molester always a child molester" is a demon inspired expression?!?
That is just freaking nuts.
Of all the evil things that are said and done in this world, not showing pedophiles proper forgiveness is one of the Satanic attitudes we need warn peolpe to be aware of. Okkaaaaay...... The food at Jehovahs table is starting to smell real rotten.
Why do some of the YouTube video creators remind current Jws that they should not be,..
by notjustyet in....watching their videos?.
i am a subscriber to quite a few of the ex jw youtube channels and i enjoy many of the videos.
i do cringe a bit when i hear the person in the video remind the jw that they "should not be watching these videos as it is against the rules and council of the wtbts, gb, elders taking the lead, etc,..".
I think it so they don't have to engage a JW apologist in an endless debate, where the JW just goes round and and round with circular reasoning and refuses to listen to the sound reasoning and clear logic that the 'apostate' is using.
Have you seen some of the comments on these YouTube videos? The JWs are deluded and arrogant, they will never learn and they refuse to take an objective and critical look at their religion. It is frustrating.
So by putting that reminder at the start of the video, all observers can see that the JW who is engaging the 'apostate' in a debate has automatically made himself a hypocrite by disobeying the rules of his own beliefs.
Time for this Newbie to say - Hello everyone!
by SeventhSojourn inin just the several months i've been lurking here, i have benefited from many of the posters comments and viewpoints.
this is truly a special place for the unique community that has been created here.. after years of holding off my exit from the org (that may be another post) i recently became officially out (by letter of da), but it was a very difficult process as many of you know.
thankfully, i now have my wife (was also a witness) onboard and we support each other.
Hello and welcome. Good to hear your wife is out with you.
New Trend in Dramas?
by breakfast of champions inso it used to be that all dramas were ot.
period, that was it.. then they started incorporating a "modern day" application of the ot drama where actors in the present day reflected on the story.. then they started using some highly fictionalized nt characters in dramas (never jesus of course).
in the past few years we've been getting more "modern dramas", just about people in the present dealing with their "problems".
The last DC drama was so pathetic it was hard to watch, I literally felt uncomfortable in my chair trying to listen to that crap. And I was not even awake to TTATT at that stage.
How they could get any worse from that I don't know, but taking a stroll on the beach with the resurrected Job sounds like a start.
Brothers told to pack an "Armagedon survival bag." gossip in Aust!
by Witness 007 inso my mum excitedly calls and tells me how the brothers are now told to pack a survival emergency bag, so the tribulation is coming!!!
talk about clutching at straws.
shes packed her bible of course and the some non essential stuff like food...he he.
I was thinking about how the WTS predicts how Armageddon and the GT will unfold. It is really just fear mongering that encourages the cult mentality.
They want JWs to believe that survivng the impending disaster, is dependent on them belonging to the group.
It is not just Gods war on mankind they have to worry about, it is the authority's turning on JWs as a group. They teach them that they will have to be close to the congregation when this happens, which could be anytime, and this keeps many JWs scared and involved with the group.
It is totally bizarre when you are out of it and so obviously a cult, but the poor JWs are trapped in this cult thinking.