Nice find. That is a great big pile of irony.
Posts by 2+2=5
I found something in Watchtower literature I can agree with.
by Indian Larry ini ran across this excerpt from studies in the scriptures vol iv.
in it russell rails on as to why you should not tie youreself to any organization.
in a way he unknowingly predicts how the watchtower would turn against real "truth seekers" in their own organization, (quite possible the only prediction he ever got correct) and then goes on to show how the deluded witness just can't see how they can have a relationship with christ without a earthly organization.. .
Introduction and a note on several posts here
by LizO inhey people,.
as for myself, after extensive study i have concluded that it's not possible for me to trust the bible and so i am not active anymore.
however, let me please add something to the discussions here:.
The GB are delusional fools.
'Lamp' book by Ray Franz???
by AgentSmith inmy father, (still an elder) has suprised me last week with a simple text message.
"we (my mother & father) will be in your city this weekend, please come and have supper with us".
i was delaying my reply, thinking of what to say, when he phoned.
When I first spoke to elders about my doubts (mistake) with 607/1914, I had a friend who knew the elders were concerned about me, ask me if everything was ok.
I didn't get into details about my doubts but just told this friend that there is some things we are taught from the GB that I find hard to understand. My friend ended up telling me about a conversation that he had recently had with an old anointed brother in our Cong.
Anyway, he starts going on about how there was this GB member Ray Franz who was very proud and pig headed and had all these ideas that he wanted to promote. One of his ideas was 1975. Because Ray was so proud, he left the GB when they rejected his ideas. 1975 came and went, and Ray looked like a proud fool because he left the organization over his own silly ideas that turned out to be false. This is what my friend was told by the old anointed elder in my congregation...... There was a bit more to it, and it was all the typical "he was a evil apostate" mud slinging, but this pretty much sums it up.
I couldn't believe it. This was complete crap. I just sat there listening and pretended that it was all news to me, but I knew that this was all false and really just slandering Ray Franz. I wondered how many JWs here this and beleive it. This elder would have spread this lie to hundreds of JWs no doubt.
So it is not the first time I have heard this.
Can this logic be refuted?
by notsurewheretogo ini was an elder until march 2012 until i resigned.
i then stopped going to meetings in october 2012 and have enjoyed 9 months of freedom that i have found to be jouful!
i loved learning ttatt and sites like this and have been excellent.. i told the elders that i needed a break and that they should not contact me unless it was a social visit and true to their word they have done that.
Do you believe Jehovah is using the F&DS to direct this organization?
This is all that matters to the elders when faced with questions like yours. Logic and sound reasoning matter little. Answer no to their question and expect a JC to be arranged.
First post venting
by Freethinking76 inhello ,i am a jw,been in the "truth " for about 6 years.i have to be very careful because i know the witnesses monitors sites and report to the elders ,i know cause that is what my blood sister does,she spends hours trying to find apostates in the closet.i know stuped.. so this is my situation.i have known about jw almost all my life and heard that only them have the truth,lots of my family are in it.i was the one taking too long to baptize ,i knew it was expected from me.and i always had a need to make ppl like me .so i took the dip.i started to notice that there are lots of jws that belong to little groups.i wanted friendship so bad and at the time had a need o tell ppl about my horrible childhood traumas i guess i was not over it yet,and needed some to lisent since i had drove my spouse nuts already .what happend this ppl pretend to want to be close to me so they can know all my business and then tell everyone at the hall.then you realize uhhh,they never confided their personal stuff to like a game " you can tell me your stuff,but do not expect me to keep it to myself and do not think i will tell you my dirty laundry.a lot of mind games.. so i was alone ,invisible ,i still can't believe i put up with so much !
i can't wright not even half of what i when through.i feel paranoic i came across a youtube video by jwstruggle and blow my mind ,now i can't stop researching,my spouse is not a jw,and is very shock i decided that i want to fade,i guess it won't be so hard since the sis and brothers did not had a close relationship with me.i have kids and i suffer from pts ,anxiety attacks,panick attacks and severe depression.i moved to the next town of my hall,so i have change hall too.i have not been to my new hall,and wanted to know,will the elders in my old hall contact the elders in my new hall just to see if i am attending?..
my spouse told me " i will tell them i am not letting you go" "and "i found out that your liars!
Hello and Welcome.
Sorry to hear about your struggle in "the truth". In my opinion, begin your fade right away by stopping all WT related crap. No meetings or service.
It's a hell of a ride and I can relate to that feeling you described about wishing you never knew the truth about the truth. You will never be happy as a JW so you should just move on as soon as possible, and continue with life and the pursuit of happiness.
The creator of JWstruggle is on this site often ( Raypublisher) . He has helped many I am sure in waking up and getting out of this oppressive religious sect.
One thing, if you can break your posts into paragraphs it is much easier on the eyes and much easier to read.
Anyway, nice to have you here.
A Lion is a Lion. A Bear, a Bear........
by Night Owl ina lion is a lion, a bear is a bear.
a fox is a fox, a deer is a deer.
that is what they are, and they behave as what they are.
Is this the dumbest post in the hisotory of JWN? It has to be a contender.
It has my vote.
Read it and Weep
by cha ching inrecently, we were challenged when we told someone that the wt itself says that it is not inspired, and we then were asked is that something you recently started to believe?.
how many people just forget what the wt has said?
well, read it and weep.. .
I am sick of this. Everyday I get more and more pissed off at this disgusting religion. All day everyday it's all I think about. The lies and bullshit this effed up cult spews out and my family and friends can't bloody see it.
Casual sexism in Watchtower literature
by slimboyfat ini notice the sexist language of the watchtower a lot more these days.
is it on the increase or am i simply more tuned into to noticing it now?
for example this statement in the june kingdom ministry:.
This is one of my personal favorites, italics are mine,
'As a housewife scrubs even the hidden corners of her kitchen to keep her home clean and sanitary, a repentant person should work hard to clean up his thoughts....'
This gem is from the Jeremiah book.
Everyone in the congregation understand? The kitchen is no place for a man, and the house should be kept clean by 'the wife'.
How long do you believe Born Agains and JWs will wait for Rapture/Armaggeddon?
by booker-t ini feel so sorry for devout bacs (born again christians) and devout jws because they are spending their whole lives waiting for something that may or may not come.
i sometimes want to cry when i speak with my 80 yr old jw mom and hear her say armaggeddon is around the corner.
or hear my born again aunt say "the rapture is near and jesus will take her to heaven soon" i just want to shake both of them.
They won't have to wait long, this system can't go on much longer.
We are in the last of the last days.
It's coming soon......
Introducing Myself
by DilloTrace ini'm new to this forum and wanted to give everyone a shout out.
i've been a silent observer of this forum for a long time, but now i feel it's time for me to break the silence and get involved.
i've been inactive since november of last year.
Hello DilloTrace,
I also became inactive at around October/November last year. It was 607/1914 and the WT revisionist history that really woke me up. Like you, I couldn't handle anymore field serve-us, especially since it is such a chore, nobody is interested and it gets really hot here (Brisbane area). Once you are awake, witnessing is impossible. I don't know how some who are fading manage to do it and keep their sanity.
I don't post on here a lot, but it is scary to read how similar others people's situations and experiences are. It's a hell of thing learning the TTATT, and can get a bit overwhelming at times.
Welcome to the forum.