2000 years of waiting has taken its toll.
Posts by 2+2=5
What use is God?
by punkofnice in.....it seems like the human race is in the process of solving it's own problems......isn't it?
god is doing what exactly?
god seems rather want to show his boat race about this planet any more.
How successful we're quickly builds in your area
by joe134cd ini remember hearing about quickly builds how this was a sign of jehovah's spirit that the kh could be built in 3 days.
but what i am wondering is just how successful we're these builds.
i can think of a couple of halls that were built by the quickly built methods that i would suspect they would of lost money on.
Yes my application was never approved either.
How successful we're quickly builds in your area
by joe134cd ini remember hearing about quickly builds how this was a sign of jehovah's spirit that the kh could be built in 3 days.
but what i am wondering is just how successful we're these builds.
i can think of a couple of halls that were built by the quickly built methods that i would suspect they would of lost money on.
One things for sure, if they were paying all those who were involved, even the minimum wage, the cost would be astronomical. If you had to pay those people you would soon be going backwards on the job. Good thing they are all volunteers.
The sites are always way to overcrowded with eager, unskilled juveniles, also with everyone working on top of one another it is impossible to work at a normal acceptable speed. In my trade, I would say that the work gets done at half the rate it should be done with the amount of tradesman involved. Half the speed at best.
Of course they will say KHs gettin built in three days is evidence of the Holy Spirit. They would never say that the mind control techniques are working wonderfully, and the cult personalities are making the Organzition a fortune.
The quality of the work I think generally is reasonable, but I have not really been involved with many.
They say you get what you paid for, and the WTS pays nothing....... so we shouldn't expect much.
You just can't make this stuff up!!! But this is true!
by Gojira_101 intoday i went on my instragram and realized that one of the jw "friends" i have on there didn't have any or her wt propaganda, and propaganda i mean pictures of her and all the children (under 10) she is studying with and helping to bring in the truth.
so i looked to see if she was still "following me" nope, so i looked to see if i was still "following her" nope, which means she blocked.
so then i go on to my jw facebook and she is no longer friends with me..... so now i know what you are thinking, she has blocked and unfrieded me because she saw my apostate video...or word finally reached her.....nope!
Apostate = Bad.
Apostate + buzz cut = Evil Monster.
Apostate + buzz cut + goatee = Demon Possessed Satan Worshipper.
Did it trip your brain when non-JW Christians got persecuted?
by Wayward Son inthe foretold turn of gubberment on religion hasn't begun yet.
that event is supposed to happen with a "swift pitch", an event that will be unmistakable at it's onslaught.
for the time being, any violence toward "babylon the great" cannot be attributed to the fulfillment of revelation 18.. .
Do you mind if I join in with your conversation Wayward?
I never really gave it much thought until I was almost fully awake to TTATT. Then I realized teaching that JWs being persecuted for their faith was not unique and was just another one of the WTs subtle lies. Like world conditions worse since 1914, JWs the only ones preaching, JWs fullfiling the scripture about having love among themselves, and so on.
Return of the Prodigal Son Download Link
by outinthemeadows innew dvd return of the prodigal son download link.
(click on skip ad at the top right when its finished encounting) click download on google drive.. .
To put it simply, the thought "meme" that The Watchtower is putting forth seems to be, "Construction work" is good, "Computer programming" is bad.
We had a talk a while back from Bethel rep Don McLean and he really hammered on about this. Bragging about how many JWs are construction workers and how this is far better than academic qualifications.
It's great for the WTS, free labour, that's really the point.
by zound inis watchtower baiting apostates with this new awake?.
"is protest the answer?".
by zound inis watchtower baiting apostates with this new awake?.
"is protest the answer?".
I am all for the protest. Parking is expensive at Boondall though.
Seriously though, I think doing more of a covert thing there would probably be more effective. Leaving stickers and cards with JWfacts in every corner of the place. Some people are likely to be curious and have a look on the Internet when they get home.
If they see a guy picketing or whatever, they will avoid even making eye contact.
Why do they use 'human' apostates?
by carla inwith all the threads about the dc, i am wondering why on earth does the wt use the wording 'human' apostates?
will next year have a 'spiritual' apostate talk?
i don't get it and no, i have not and will not go to their site and watch the mind numbing video or whatever......
Being human is the only distinction we apostates have with Satan and the Demons.
Jehovah Will Put it in Their Minds
by ctrwtf injust mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.. i was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion.
then i recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger armageddon.
after 9/11 the first thing george bush said was that islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem.
Of all the prepostersously nutty ideas the JWs have, the idea that all nations will somehow simultaneously "ban religion" is pretty near if not at the top.
Absolutely. I always thought this idea was lunacy, even when I believed the in the WT.
So when I started researching 1914, so that I could understand it and explain it properly, I realized that the 607/1914 doctrine was in the exact same vain of crazy, and the entire belief system crumbled.